This goes back to the biological concept of territoriality. Animals mark their turf and defend it so as to claim their rights to the prey in that territory. A further extension of this is private ownership of property. What good is it to own a farm if anybody can come by and take its fruits and vegetables?
This concept of "exclusivity" or "private property" even extends to our personal lives. When people marry, the contract binding them together promises exclusivity of themselves to their mate; otherwise why bother getting married. Believe me the tax deductions are not a good reason for marriage.
We have a contract with our government (the club leaders) which states that they will protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Their job is to protect our rights to the resources in our territory. The government must allow only the entry of the citizens and people they have deemed fit to enter. If the government allows anyone to enter without proper vetting, it breaches its contract and citizenship becomes worthless. You should start asking yourself if it worth the dues you are paying to be in this club.
With an estimated 20 to 30 million illegal aliens in the United States, the government is clearly in breach of contract. The only question now is, what are we going to do about it?