Monday, November 30, 2009

Top 3 Ways to Save Money on Your Taxes

Every year people dread tax time and procrastinate filing their taxes until the last possible minute. It's no coincidence that people are delaying paying out hard earned money when the National Debt Clock is reporting over 11 trillion dollars in debt. There are 3 very important things that all U.S. citizens should know before filing taxes.

1. Do Not Rely Solely on Accountants

Most CPAs are swamped around tax season collecting a service fee for assisting customers in the filing process. Customers assume that accountants have the responsibility of minimizing payouts and informing their clients how to save on taxes. It is important to know that accountants are available to focus on helping the filing process only. They are not required to know or help minimize the payouts. There are excellent tax attorneys, systems and tools available that would be more beneficial to utilize during the payout season. Attorneys are great to use as long as the filer has a good idea of their own legal rights and write off opportunities.

2. Start a Business

Starting a business has tax savings and benefits available that will leave a business owner better off than if they had decided to work a second job instead. The average part time business owner saves $2,000 to $10,000 per year. Most part time business owners do not realize their own legal benefits and they are handing over way more money than is really owed.

3. Become Tax Savvy

So many people are afraid of numbers, technical knowledge and the IRS. Knowledge is power and being precise is important but the filing process is easily applicable. The tax system is set up to assist business owners by allowing extra benefits. There are many great books, tools and attorneys that can make the learning process easier and it will definitely be worth learning when payouts are consistently the legal minimum each year.

Before filing this season keep in mind that the accountants job is not to know and/or share extra tax saving strategies. Know that starting your own business is better than picking up a second job when it comes to the yearly financial situation and make sure to research different tax saving resources that will build confidence during this coming up season.

Greg has over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience and is known for his willingness to share all of the dirty little trade secrets that many business newbies and novices do not know about this lucrative industry. For more information on business startup, business opportunities, tax savings info, financial planning tools or internet marketing tips and services go to

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Obama Approves Troop Increase in Southern District of New York

Perhaps it's not surprising that President Obama would think nothing of subjecting Manhattan to the spectacle of a civilian court trial against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. This is the administration that thought having an F-16 trail Air Force One around Ground Zero on a workday morning was a good idea.

On the other hand, perhaps we should view KSM as Obama's consolation prize for failing to secure the 2016 Olympics on U.S. soil. (How much tourism revenue will KSM's trial bring to lower Manhattan?)

To try KSM and his four co-conspirators in federal court, New York will have to create a de facto Guantanamo Bay-one that is smaller than but as secure as the real thing. The city will need to spend millions of dollars ensuring extra protection for the courthouse, the densely populated neighborhood-indeed all of downtown-including shipping in hundreds of U.S. marshals from other jurisdictions. They will have to make special efforts to protect the judge, prosecutors, jury, federal agents, and witnesses, all of whom will receive death threats and will need armed protection.

As Rudy Guiliani noted, trying those who planned 9/11 in a civilian court in lower Manhattan is like trying those who planned Pearl Harbor in a civilian court in Hawaii.

The trial will drag on for years and New York will face extra, unnecessary risk during every day of the circus. Manhattan will be placed in the international spotlight and become a prominent stage for jihadists to stage a suicide or car bombing. Would-be attackers won't have to do it right in front of the courthouse-anyplace in Manhattan would capture headlines and give encouragement to the Islamist cause worldwide.

Defenders of Obama's decision claim that isolated individuals are unlikely to engage in a spectacular attack in Manhattan without long-term planning and financial support from an embedded terrorist cell. Tell that to soldiers lining up for eye exams who survived Nidal Hasan's shooting spree at Fort Hood last week.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, and other city officials all assure us that New York's Police Department can handle any potential disruptions.

Let's see: in 2000, in the same court in which KSM et al. are to be tried, bin Laden aide Mamdouh Salim, awaiting trial for his role in the bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, blinded a prison guard by squirting hot sauce in his face, then plunged a comb sharpened into a dagger deep into the guard's eye, nearly killing him and causing permanent brain and sight damage. Salim's plan, later discovered in notes stored in his prison cell, involved taking hostages and helping co-defendants escape.

Another al-Qaida suspect, Wadih El-Hage, pounced on the judge during the middle of a pre-trial hearing and had to be wrestled to the ground by federal marshals. El-Hage got to within several feet of the judge, who had shielded himself with his chair.

Zacarias Moussaoui's hearing in lower Manhattan was enough of an exhibition, and that was just a six-week sentencing trial. His initial prosecution in Virginia took four years, mostly due to wrangling over rules of evidence, and ended only because he finally confessed his role in the 9/11 hijackings. In addition to being verbally abusive to those involved in the proceedings, shouting curses at the jury, and gloating aloud when he didn't get the death penalty, Moussaoui had demanded that captured al-Qaeda members appear as witnesses in his trial, a request prosecutors could not deny according to the rules of the game they had agreed to play.

Even if the terrorist suspects bring no physical attack to fruition, a trial in civilian court in Manhattan would be, as Charles Krauthammer labeled it, "the second half of the terror attack," in which the perpetrators loudly justify their ideology and actions to the world and delight in the suffering of their victims.

If the prospect of welcoming KSM and company to the Big Apple isn't enticing enough, there's also the little matter that these terrorists have no right to a trial in civilian court-in fact, they have no rights at all. Only U.S. citizens and resident aliens have constitutional rights, such as the writ of habeas corpus, because only they have sworn to uphold the ideals of the Constitution and abide by its rules. Not only do radical foreign Islamists not support the Constitution, they actively use it against us to shield themselves from the consequences of atrocities they commit. As Tim Sumner and Debra Burlingame noted in a letter to the president, "It is incomprehensible... that the same men who today refer to the murder of our loved ones as a 'blessed day'... should be the beneficiaries of a social compact of which they are not a part, do not recognize, and which they seek to destroy: the United States Constitution." As Neil Cavuto noted, the 9/11 terrorists used our planes as weapons against us; now they plan to use our justice system for the same purpose.

The ridiculous thing about all of this is that the only reason Obama wants to try KSM in New York is to further his goal of shutting down Guantanamo Bay. Had he not made such a promise and signed an executive order to enforce it on the first day of his presidency, even Obama might have been sane enough not to bring these terrorists to a courthouse four blocks from Ground Zero. As noted by Michael Mukasey, George W. Bush's Attorney General, "What's followed [from Obama's campaign promises] has seemed in many instances to be a system in which policy is fashioned to fit and proceed rhetoric rather than being thought out in advance with arguments then formulated in support of it."

Supporters of the president's decision counter, "Of course New York can handle these trials-New Yorkers are tough! New York courts handle all kinds of dangerous defendants." The question isn't whether New York can put up with this, but why New York should have to put up with this.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nathan Hale's Love of the U.S.A.

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." - Nathan Hale's last words before being hanged by the British as a spy [September 22, 1776]. These are great words spoken by a man of conviction. A man that served a cause grater then himself. As I reflect on this conviction and courage, I have to ask myself where has the courage and conviction of America gone? What has happened to the cause of freedom over the last 225 years? It seems to me that we are now a country divided. Half the country still believes in life, freedom, equality of opportunity, and freedom of religion. The other half believes in equality of income, abortion, euthanasia, social welfare, and godlessness.

The left has been selling a bill of goods about global warming, overpopulation and world government that I am not willing to buy and neither should any American. This county has had a winning formula for the past 225 years and I am not about to through it all a way because a bunch of socialists have taken over our government. It was the goodness of the people of this country that elected the first Afro-American president. But he and the left wing Congress are taking way too many liberties with the freedoms and wealth of the American people. We need patriots like Nathan Hale to rise up. We need all citizens that believe in freedom and believe in America to call, write, and fax their Representatives to stop the move towards socialism in this country. We are on the verge of being the United Socialist States of America. If you value your freedom at all, now is the time to show your courage and act. The margin in the Senate is razor thin. Act now and be persistent. Stop Cap and Trade. Stop the Reid, Pelosi Health Care Bill.

Protect Life.
Protect Marriage.
Protect Liberty.

It is your civilization that is at stake.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

NOM Announces $500,000 Campaign to Save Marriage in N.J.

NOVEMBER 23, 2009
CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray, x130 or Mary Beth Hutchins, x105 at 703-683-5004

National Organization for Marriage Launches New $500,000 Message Campaign To Trenton:
"Give New Jersey voters a break; don't vote for Corzine's gay marriage bill" - Brian Brown, Executive Director

(Washington, DC) – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) announces a new $500,000 voter outreach campaign in New Jersey highlighted by the release of a new radio ad, “Give Me a Break,” which will begin running on targeted New Jersey radio stations today and will continue for at least two weeks.
Listen to the ad here:

Or click here to download the ad
NOM's voter outreach will include telephone calling, direct mailers, and online advertising to let voters know that Democrats are considering following Jon Corzine over a political cliff by pushing gay marriage in the lame duck," said Brian Brown, executive director of NOM.

The ad, "Give Me a Break," underscores that Gov. Jon Corzine had four years to push a gay marriage bill, and the losing governor should not waste legislators’ valuable time by pushing a gay marriage bill in the lame duck session when New Jersey voters expect elected officials to focus on far more urgent priorities, like jobs, the economy and the budget.

“In the next two weeks NOM will spend $300,000 in voter outreach on the theme of this ad, including radio ad buys, direct mail, and online advertising,” said Brian Brown. “We have reserved an additional $200,000 for advertising and direct mail outreach if the legislature continues to spend more and more of its time into December fooling around with a vote for gay marriage that New Jersey voters do not want.”

The latest installment in NOM's New Jersey campaign will bring the total NOM has spent in New Jersey in 2009 in automated calling, radio and television ads, and direct mail voter outreach to more than $1 million.

NOM was the single largest donor to both of the successful California and Maine campaigns, donating over $1.5 million for each state.

“Give Me a Break-New Jersey” Radio Ad Script:

Here’s a question. If you were a state legislator, what would you focus on during the Lame Duck session?

Female ANNCR
There’s lots of choices. I’d say jobs and the economy. And the budget deficit!

Good pick there. New Jersey has an $8 billion deficit.

You know what some legislators are focused on? Redefining marriage. Throwing marriage to the curb and redefining it as any two people regardless of gender.

Female ANNCR
With all our problems, they want to legalize gay marriage?

Governor Corzine had four years to bring this issue up but hasn’t, and now, with just days to go in his administration, the big push is on.

Female ANNCR
No voter input. No accountability. Give me a break!

290,000 New Jerseyans have signed petitions opposing gay marriage. And every state where the people have voted on gay marriage has rejected it.

Female ANNCR
Gay couples ought to be able to live as they choose, but they shouldn’t get lame duck legislators to redefine marriage for all of society.

Take a stand. Call your state legislators and tell them you oppose redefining marriage.

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage.

Listen to the ad here:

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Or click here to download the ad

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, Executive Director for the National Organization for Marriage,
please contact Elizabeth Ray,, (x130) or
Mary Beth Hutchins,, (x105) at 703-683-5004.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Our Lady of Fatima" A Book Review

On October 13, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal the Sun literally danced in the sky. Many of the seventy thousand who came to witness the event that had been announced to occur by the Queen of Heaven on that day were cured of their maladies as the Sun appeared to fall from the sky and incredibly in an instant dried the soaked pilgrims who had traveled great distances in the rain the night before to pay homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

As the story unfolds it is clear that the three children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, who had first seen the Arch Angle Michael and the later The Blessed Virgin, were in fact exceptional in their Catholic Faith. And after seeing a vision of hell shown to them by Our Lady of Fatima the children's love for mankind made them sacrifice and pray all the more for the salvation of souls. How these three children handled their trials as they were accused of lying and persecuted for there faith in the time leading up to the great miracle should be a road map for all on how to pursue heaven.

In the aftermath of the miracle and the predictions made by Our Lady of Fatima that Francisco and Jacinta would soon die came to pass as did the prediction that Lucia would live a long life in Our Ladies service. We are also left with the warning of mans fate here on earth should the requests of Our Lady of Fatima not be honored.

This story of Gods love for us and another of His divine interventions into the affairs of men in order to save them from the fires of hell is told with excellent prose. Thomas Walsh, the author, researched and interviewed those involved in the events leading up to the great modern day miracle as well as many of the witnesses to the miracle. A most enjoyable story and testament to Gods love of mankind. I recommend it highly.

Without an understanding of political, economic and social principles we are inadequate employers unable to discern the proper qualifications for leadership and doomed to lead the ship of state on a course to destruction. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to learn more about your countries history and politics. is here to help you discover where we were and where we are going as a country and as a people.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Women Have Concerns About Health Care Reform

A recent study conducted on behalf of The Independent Women's Forum disclosed that health care was one of many economic concerns for American women. Only 16 percent said it was the top issue facing Congress and just over half the respondents placed health care among the leading three. Yet the people in Washington have placed this issue ahead of everyday living expenses, energy costs, unemployment and other financial problems.

It's interesting that two-thirds of those surveyed think reform is more for other people than themselves. They would prefer not being included in any proposed changes (54%). This was confirmed when 57 percent of respondents indicated they do not feel a government-run plan is best for their needs. And, a whopping 75 percent want few to no changes to their own health care program. Less than 10 percent of respondents are looking for action in the next few weeks with most wishing for a quality bill rather than one with artificial deadlines.

The price tag of health care reform has major political implications. A cost of $829 billion over the next 10 years was deemed to too high by a plurality of women and 55 percent believe this figure is underestimated compared to what will actually be spent. Therefore, 45 percent would be less likely to vote for a candidate supporting this amount or more; and 67 percent would not vote for someone in favor of moving people from private to government-run health care.

When asked to describe the quality of their health insurance, 66 percent claimed it was "good" to "excellent," and 74 percent used the same terms to describe the quality of their health care. They are satisfied with what they have and are against anyone who might disturb this situation by a margin of more than two to one.

Women said the government spends money inefficiently (77%). About 48 percent look to the insurance companies to lower costs while ensuring quality health care. And 61 percent believe the private sector does a better job of providing choice.

More than half the women think the quality of care will get worse for their families and themselves if the government becomes responsible for the administration of health care for all Americans. By a margin of four to one, it was believed government involvement would result in a decrease in the number of doctors practicing medicine.

In spite of the concerns about costs and coverage, 67 percent of women agreed "everyone should sacrifice a little in order to make health care available to all." Younger women and pre-boomer and older were in greatest agreement. This may be because they have less taxable income compared to those in the mid-range age groups.

Politicians may want to reconsider how fast and how far they are willing to go on the health care issue. Pursuing their own agendas instead of listening to the concerns of women could mean some of them won't be re-elected in 2010.

Don Potter, a Philadelphia native, was born in 1936 and is a 50 year veteran of the advertising agency business. Now living in Los Angeles, he has written two novels in retirement, frequently writes on marketing issues, and has a blog dedicated to pre-boomers (those born between 1930 and 1945).

Read more articles for and about pre-boomers with thoughts, comments and opinions designed to spark thinking, foster discussion, and stimulate debate by logging on to

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Don Potter - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why is the Approval Rating of Congress So Low?

Webster's Dictionary defines integrity as "the firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values." Other definitions refer to wholeness and completeness, especially of a device or a concept. Stated in other words, integrity is what we normally associate with continual adherence to truth and conduct befitting the role a person is filling. We expect a doctor to have integrity in treating a patient to the best of his or her ability regardless of personal feelings towards that patient; and we expect an elected representative to act on behalf of the majority of his or her constituencies and not according to any narrow personal purpose or ambition. Most of us, if not all, would accept the first example as valid and true to life. On the other hand, most of us would question the second example. Do our elected representatives in the local, state, and federal governmental bodies truly represent their constituencies? Do they, on the other hand, really place reelection as the first priority over all else?

It must be remembered that the members of the Continental Congress were elected to serve in that capacity. The results of their deliberations were and are magnificent. The concept they created of a separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial at the federal level has stood the test of over two centuries of time, and is a model for all those who study the various forms of government, especially democratic government, around the world.

Mores, communication channels, funding requirements, and pressures upon elected representatives have dramatically changed since the time of the Continental Congress. Today, public approval of Congress is at an all time low. Various polls indicate this approval rating as something under 20% of the population. Powerful members of Congress have gone to jail for crimes associated with misappropriation of public funds; members of Congress have been reprimanded by the ethics committees of both houses; and the news media is replete with stories of questionable ethics and actions that raise serious questions concerning the behavior and motivation of these elected representatives. Earmarks, or special congressional funding requests, are regularly attached to the funding bills to operate the government. Billions of dollars of public money are diverted to meet the requests of individual representatives and senators. One wonders why such funding requests are not part of the normal budgets of government departments; and if not, why the members of Congress who advance specific earmarks could not try to include them as parts of the government budget procedure. Perhaps it is linked to the anonymity of government budgets as opposed to the personal credit associated with an earmark. On the other hand, an earmark might be approved that would be rejected in the budget process. One further wonders how some earmarks get approved. Indeed, to what extent, do our representatives engage in bartering their pet earmarks for support of those proposed by others?

Integrity demands adherence to a set of rules. In the case of our government, these rules are included in our Constitution and in the various bills enacted at the federal, state, and local level. Ethical issues, to some extent, are considered and included in such legislation. It would behoove the citizens of our great nation to insist on a more rigid set of rules for the ethical performance of the representatives of the people. After all, as Lincoln so aptly stated in the Gettysburg Address, this is "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Dr. Rocco Leonard Martino is the author of the novel "Cancel Christmas!" which portrays power running amok to use taxpayer money for private profit making purposes. A modern-day Scrooge plans to use financial pressure to sway the will of elected representatives to win his way. Humor and a budding romance enliven the clash. Dr. Martino has years of experience advising clients globally on finance, computer systems, and management. His book is destined to become a modern day 'Christmas Carol'. His web site provides details on the book and how to acquire a copy.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Bartholomew's Satirical Novel "The Terrorist Plot at Gopherville" Brings Home Political Points

We call Steve Bartholomew "Bart" in these parts (Lake County in Northern California). Bart's book is a satire, and a good one. First, there's an entertaining, page-turning story to keep us involved. He's playful, funny, and even a little naughty here and there, all the while making serious points about The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and The War on Terrorism.

I believe it's important in these times to be able to use humor in all its forms to cast light on the political mapping of our culture, how it evolves slowly and almost imperceptibly in one direction and weaves into the fabric of our life so finely that we just take the garment from the closet and wear it. Bart's book turns the garment inside out so we can see the seams and how it's made.

You'll love his anti-hero alter-ego, Bradshaw, a delightfully idiosyncratic geezer who eats roadkill, talks to himself, and wants to overthrow the government.

"Now, anyone meeting Bradshaw for the first time might have leaped to a number of mistaken conclusions. One of them might have been that he was anti-technology...Another wrong impression might have been that Bradsaw was poor...Another mistaken impression a stranger might have was that Bradshaw was ignorant and uneducated. That idea would be extremely wrong. Yet another possible impression might be that Bradshaw was crazy as a looon. In this, our theoretical stranger might possibly be correct" (Pp. 13-16)

And, you'll love the ending, taken, as it happens, from one of my favorite childhood stories. Sorry, can't tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy. You wouldn't want me to be in violation of the Patriot Act, now, would you?

Visit Janet Grace Riehl's blog "Riehl Life: Village Wisdom for the 21st Century" ( to share more of her thoughts on connection through the arts, across cultures, and within the family. Janet is the author of "Sightlines: A Poet's Diary," a downhome love story beyond death. You can read sample poems on her website

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Janet Grace Riehl - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thomas Paine on the Necessity of Government

"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; In its worst state, an intolerable one" -- Thomas Paine - From "Common Sense" [1776] also from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

Monday, November 16, 2009

Market is Rising Faster Than Economy - Five Reasons Why

The market has significantly outperformed the economy recently. It seems confusing because of all the headwinds making economic recovery so difficult. For example: housing and commercial real estate continuing to decline, an over-levered consumer, growing unemployment, etc. However, the market does not seem to be concerned about these headwinds (at this time) so what are traders and investors using to bid up this market? You see and read a lot about the recession being over or that we've avoided a depression or consumer attitudes are improving etc. But it appears there are five major reasons the market is outpacing the growth of the real economy.

1. The "economy" is assembled and dissected as a Statistical Model

Remember, most people see the market through the lens of the conventional, statistical model of Gross National Product (GDP.) This model looks at the economy from a consumption point of view: a dollar spent, no matter who spends it, represents a dollar of GDP. This of course is why many people see green shoots all over the place and hear so many declarations from politicians, economists and the media that the positive GDP growth in the third quarter means the recession is over. They don't seem to consider that a dollar spend today (increase in GDP) is a dollar that has to be subtracted (from GDP) through taxes later. Nor do they seem to consider that the dollar will be taken from someone who could probably use it more effectively.

2. U.S. fiscal policy is out of control

Government spending is out of control and congress has every intention of spending more and more. The government will pump in at least $1 trillion (above tax collections) this year and probably each year for the next ten years. That's a lot of GDP "growth." Add to that any new programs that might be enacted like health care spending or cash for clunkers. Also, the $800 billion stimulus package has not worked (business revenues still falling and unemployment has gone from 5% to 10%.) Yet, according to demand side economists (preferred by most politicians) like Paul Krugman at Princeton, we need another, bigger stimulus package if we really want to turn this economy around.

The government may not (at this time, be able to get another big, trillion-dollar stimulus package through Congress. However, they may be able to get a lot of "little, very targeted stimulus packages" through congress like: $11 billion more for home buyers, $33 billion for businesses on tax losses 3-5 years ago, $250 for each Social Security recipient at a cost of $14 billion, how about another "successful" cash for clunkers program because GM needs money, etc. All of this money will push up the GDP.

3. U. S. monetary policy is out of control

The Federal Reserve has reduced interest rates to 0-.25 percent (basically free money for banks); expanded its balance sheet by $1.75 trillion dollars and guaranteed the financial community $4.3 trillion to make sure banks will trade with other banks. The Fed, at its meeting last week, stated again that it intends to keep interest rates low (where they are) for an extended period of time (until the economy turns around or until they see inflation.)

This "liquidity" not only helps the banks recapitalize, it punishes savers and forces them to buy risk assets if they want to earn a return on their money (or simply spend it and help GDP.) All of this liquidity helps consumption, but it also causes malinvestment and the current "carry trade."

4. Stable, low-cost money encourages a Carry Trade

This simply means you capitalize on the returns you can get by borrowing money at low rates in one country and investing the funds in another country for a higher return. Remember reading about this when people were borrowing the Japanese yen at zero percent interest and investing in the U.S. at a higher rate of interest. Well, you can do that right now without leaving the U.S. We are now the carry trade. Banks can borrow from the Federal Reserve at zero percent and buy longer term Treasuries and make the difference. Or, some can short the dollar (it's down over 10 percent this year) and use the money to buy higher risk assets (equities, gold, etc) and make even more.

5. Global funds still streaming into the U.S.

This carry trade is not just being done by Americans, it's global. Countries around the world have more growth than ever and are taking advantage of the declining dollar and the rising assets like equities, commodities, etc. As we saw in the Technology bubble and the housing bubble, the world is awash in money looking for a place it will be treated well.

These are certainly not all of the reasons the market is rising faster than the economy is recovering, but they are some of the more significant reasons. Also they may stay in place until the headwinds become too strong.

Jim Zitek is an Investment Advisor with Feltl & Company. He is also a well regarded speaker on the topics of critical thinking skills and their application to the economy and other important topics. I learned years ago that you must learn how to separate good information from bad information if you are going to make better, more timely decisions. You can get more information at my web site at and at my blog

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Jim D Zitek - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fed May Have to Extend Debt Purchasing

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke is confident he can successfully bring a halt to the buying of mortgage backed securities that have helped steady the US housing market. Congress seems to lack that confidence. The central bank will have to put a stop eventually to its stimulus programs before there's a wave of inflation as the recovery continues. At the center of its programs is a plan to purchase $1.25 trillion worth of real estate debt.

Bernanke hopes that private investors will step in when the Fed puts an end to its debt-purchasing program. If they don't the Fed may come under pressure to provide continued housing assistance and credit programs. That pressure would hinder the Fed's capability in conducting independent monetary policies.

In a worst case scenario for the Fed, Congress could step in and attempt to stop the Fed from selling their debt claiming that a full recovery has not yet happened. Several Congressman have already pressured Bernanke to help car companies and create more credit for commercial real estate companies.

Officials with the Fed claim the housing debt purchasing has lowered borrowing costs for homebuyers, providing a spark to the portion of the economy at the center of the crisis. The average interest rate for a 30 year mortgage has gone from 6.45% a year ago to 5.02% last week. This rate could climb as much as a full percentage point by March while the economy gets stronger and the Fed halts its debt purchasing.

New home sales dropped unexpectedly in September as the $8,00 tax credit for first time buyers nears an end. Democrats in the Senate, fearing the housing recovery could be derailed, decided to extend the credit and provide assistance to present homeowners.

The purchasing of mortgage debt are a part of the expansion of the Fed's powers under Bernanke, who took over in 2006. Representative Ron Paul is attempting to pass a bill that would allow Congress to audit the Fed's monetary policies. The bill has over 300 co-sponsors.

Last December, when Congress was deciding on bailout assistance for Chrysler and GM, Bernanke was asked about Fed policy by Congress and the Chairman responded by saying the issue was for Congress to decide. Then in July, members of Congress asked the Fed to aid the commercial mortgage securities market by continuing the Fed's Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility through the end of next year. The Fed partially complied by extending the program through the middle of 2010. They said that plans to extend the program were already in the works before being asked.

Ron Parks has been buying Marin real estate for 27 years. Year after year he is one of Marin's top real estate agents. Ron specializes in all areas of Marin County, including Belvedere and Mill Valley.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Book Review - US Citizens Wake Up & Be Afraid

Ben McGowan is an angry man, and his book, U.S. Citizens Wake Up & Be Afraid, delivers that message with sledge hammer-like efficiency starting with the second paragraph of the introduction which states: "I am The Guy Next Door, just one of the silent majority that has sat back too long and allowed our current and past leaders in Washington to lead our nation down a road of disgrace." He goes on to define these leaders as puppet-on-a-string politicians under control of the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as various sects within each party. That's just for starters. "My goal," he says, "is to awaken U.S. citizens to the poor performance of our misguided leaders, who are both elected and appointed to the top positions in the U.S. government."

When it comes to blame for the current state of affairs in our society, McGowan plays no favorites, particularly within the federal government. In an analytical fashion, he analyzes the performance of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, describing how they function, who the main players are, and the mistakes they have made due to mismanagement, greed, or in many cases, heavy handed applications of enlightened self interest. As a retired military officer and Vietnam War veteran, I was particularly interested in his analysis of the Defense Department and the performance of Secretaries of Defense McNamara and Rumsfeld during their respective tenures; and I have to admit I found little to disagree with in his analysis. I should mention that I had forgotten what Ho Chi Minh said about war with the U.S. namely: "It would be like a clash between a tiger and an elephant in open battle. The elephant would crush the tiger. Yet if the tiger every once in a while crept out of the jungle to tear chunks out of the elephant's hide, the elephant would slowly bleed to death." That's pretty much the way it was as I remember it.

U.S. Citizens Wake Up & Be Afraid is not likely to be a topic of discussion among prominent think tanks in Washington anytime soon. McGowan himself admits he has no credentials in the political science arena, his writing is sometimes rambling , always emotional, and definitely in need of proof reading. But does all that matter if his message gets through? I think not. In my mind, McGowan writes like a man who has an urgent message to deliver, with no time for niceties. Think Paul Revere with a word processor instead of a horse. And for what it is worth, I ended up agreeing with most everything he said.

I finished U.S. Citizens Wake Up & Be Afraid on the Fourth of July, a time for reflection for all patriotic Americans. When I read the last page I felt like rushing to the window and, like the character in the movie "Network", shouting, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore." Unfortunately, I was in Europe at the time and this act of patriotic defiance would have gained me nothing but a ride to the local police station for disturbing the peace.

U.S. Citizens Wake Up & Be Afraid represents the First Amendment at its finest, written by a man who sincerely loves his country and is trying his best to sound an alarm. I recommend you read the book and see if it makes you mad as hell!

Ron Standerfer is a freelance writer and photographer who is a frequent contributor to Ezine Articles as well as numerous other online news sites. His latest novel, The Eagle's Last Flight chronicles the life of an Air Force fighter pilot during the Cold War and Vietnam years. Details of his book can be found at

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Ronald Standerfer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Milton Friedman on Economic Freedom

Freedom in economic arrangements is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself.... Economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom. -- Milton Friedman from Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary Edition [1962], ch.1 also from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are We in the End Time?

I have this sickening feeling in my gut, a feeling that something horrible is going to happen soon. Could it be because, all I am getting is bad news?

  • All the prognostications of cataclysmic world events surrounding the alignment of the earth, the sun and the solar system with the center of the universe in the year 2012 make me very uneasy especially since the news of disease, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, twisters and fires abound.
  • Our economic world is falling apart. There are predictions of depression in this country beginning on or about the year 2012, as suggested by population studies. Currently the unemployment rate is nearing 10% in the United States and our nation's debt is the largest in recorded history.
  • Our current Congress's greatest expertise is in spending our hard earned money and the Federal Reserve is printing money faster than I can run the 100 meters and in greater quantities than are imaginable by mankind.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran wants to make us all Muslim, and threatens to annihilate us with a nuclear holocaust, lest we comply. The estimated, time of his nuclear weapons arrival is 18 months.
  • The Taliban, al-Qaeda and a many other Muslim extremist groups with unpronounceable names want to wipe us off the face of the earth and don't mind killing themselves in the process.
  • The asteroid 2004 MN4 threaten man's extinction in the year 2036 for those of us that make it past the 2012 mark.
And what is our government's top priority? Yes you guessed it, healthcare. (Do you have a headache yet?) No?Good, because there is more bad news. Now is it just me, or has this country lost is sense of priority? If there are cataclysms in the offing would it not be best to prepare in some way for it? It seems to me that fixing our health care system would at least come second to survival. Or is it that all the earth quakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, twisters and tsunamis don't matter because we can't do anything about them anyway. In a period when so much havoc is anticipated we should be conserving instead of spending. We should be preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Instead we are seeing our wealth depleted, and our security compromised. Folks, whether or not this is Armageddon coming only a fool would not prepare for it. My suggestion is to prepare yourself and your family for survival, as best you can and if you can do nothing else, prepare your soul for judgment. Do not expect any help from the authorities. Many will die and many will suffer. "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth"

Pray to God that we are spared.

Without an understanding of political, economic and social principles we are inadequate employers unable to discern the proper qualifications for leadership and doomed to lead the ship of state on a course to destruction. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to learn more about your countries history and politics. is here to help you discover where we were and where we are going as a country and as a people.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Book Review - Current Events, Conservative Future, by G A Freiman

Fighting Fear with Knowledge and Vision

Today Americans are faced with unknowns, the uncertainty of the economy, the threat of terrorist attacks, and a concern for our nation's leadership and respect around the world. In his book "Current Events, Conservative Outcomes" G. A. Freiman talks about, and analyzes these fears in light of current events with predictions for America's future. He uses information he has received in the form of a visionary process, meditation and reflection, as well as through life experiences and his own educational opportunities.

Freiman has an innate passion and love for America. This is reflected in his writing. His writing is deeply spiritual, expressive, and logical. Freiman's sets out to help the reader form honest opinions on politics, religion, and social issues. He hypothesizes on political correctness, the threat of terrorism, the impact of global warming, poverty, abortion, and euthanasia with clarity, perception and forthrightness.

I found the questions that accompanied each issue thought provoking, meaningful, and practical. The reader was also shown action steps could take to have an impact on the future, in personal areas, the political arena, or on social issues. Freiman's predictions on American culture provide important insight and are worthy of consideration even for the skeptic of physic phenomena.

Although the book's title may limit its audience, this is a book for liberal and conservative a like. It is a call for positive participation and a dedication to create a better future for our children and for those generations still to come.

Frieman's approach draws the reader into a personal assessment of their faith. He helps them take a fresh look at the meaning of life, at root causes, into global thinking. He invites the reader to consider their relationship with God, His creation, and with all of humanity. "Current Events, Conservative Outcomes" is highly perceptive, entertaining, and thought provoking.

Xulon Press


As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.

Richard R. Blake, Christian Education Consultant, Book Store Owner

Article Source:

Richard R Blake - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, November 6, 2009

32 GOP Bills on the Wall

In the event that the imminent failure of Democrats' socialized medicine bill leads them to some soul-searching-perhaps listening to what their constituents have been telling them all summer or taking GOP advice to start from scratch - it's worth noting that Republicans in the House have introduced 32 health care reform bills since the spring, all stuck at the referral stage.

Many of these lonely bills deal with just one or several aspects of health care reform, rather than presenting grand, sweeping Ten-Year Plans that will change Health Care as we know it. Not all the bills are knockouts; a couple are downright stinkers. But virtually all contain some good ideas, and some of them contain nothing but good ideas-which means that no Democrat will ever for a moment consider any of them.

For those desiring ammunition to counterattack the liberal charge that conservatives criticize everything they hear from Democrats but have no ideas of their own, here's a primer on the legislation prepared by our devoted GOP servants in the House:

• Several bills are flat-out winners: Clifford Stearns' Health Care Tax Deduction Act, Michele Bachmann's Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, and Rodney Alexander's Sunset of Life Protection Act. These laws provide for income tax deductions of health insurance premiums and prescription drugs; medical expenses; and long-term care premiums, respectively. All three bills are so short they could fit onto a cocktail napkin together and still have room for a list of Obama's failed Cabinet nominations. This is not surprising: bills covering what individuals are allowed to do require less verbiage than bills mandating what individuals are required to do for the government.

• Marsha Blackburn's Health Care Choices for Seniors Act and Louis Gohmert's Patient-Controlled Healthcare Protection Act allow seniors to opt out of Medicare and receive vouchers for health savings accounts, an arrangement analogous to school vouchers (another excellent idea liberals oppose). Edward Royce's Flexible Health Savings Act allows individuals to carry over unused health savings account funds from year to year.

• John Shadegg's Health Care Choice Act eliminates restrictions on interstate governing of health insurance, the primary cause of the limited within-state competition among private insurance plans that President Obama keeps bleating about.

• Two bills-John Gingrey's HEALTH Act and Michael Burgess' Medical Justice Act-enact malpractice tort reform by regulating lawsuits for health care injuries or deaths. William Thornberry's Medical Liability Procedural Reform Act sets up state "health care tribunals" or medical courts to adjudicate claims.

• Several unobjectionable but minor bills extend benefits for veterans, reserve members, and their dependents.

• A few bills would amend the State Children's Health Insurance Program to make it more accountable; however, these bills give the costly, bloated SCHIP so much legitimacy that I'm suspicious of their authors' credibility.

• Other bills have good intentions but will lead to more bureaucracy and regulation than they aim to prevent; for example, Thornberry's Health Care Paperwork Reduction and Fraud Prevention Act, which proposes a "Commission on Health Care Billing Codes and Forms Simplification" to standardize billing paperwork. No doubt the government will first need to establish a separate commission just to simplify the Commission's name.

• Thornberry has proposed two more bad bills (why do public officials who want to steal our liberty always invent so many devious ways to do it?). One is the Partnership to Improve Seniors' Access to Medicare Act, which subsidizes student loan repayment for doctors who accept Medicare payments; not specified in the bill is how much of our bountiful federal surplus will be used to cover this provision. Another is the Patient Fairness and Indigent Care Promotion Act, which allows doctors to deduct for tax purposes unrecouped costs from "patient bad debt"-because nothing increases accountability like providing incentives for doctors not to check beforehand whether patients can pay their bills!

Other GOP bills contain other provisions, and many of the bills are a mixed bag; but the point is that they're all better than HR 3200, which is putrid right down to its last period. Considering even a few key GOP bills over the next couple of years would be a sound way to address individual components of health care reform, in a piecemeal fashion, rather than upending our economy right now because Democrats insist on artificial deadlines to maximize their political gain.

In the meantime, the proper response to any liberal who claims conservatives have no ideas of their own on health care reform should be a resounding, "You lie!"