Monday, November 9, 2009

Are We in the End Time?

I have this sickening feeling in my gut, a feeling that something horrible is going to happen soon. Could it be because, all I am getting is bad news?

  • All the prognostications of cataclysmic world events surrounding the alignment of the earth, the sun and the solar system with the center of the universe in the year 2012 make me very uneasy especially since the news of disease, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, twisters and fires abound.
  • Our economic world is falling apart. There are predictions of depression in this country beginning on or about the year 2012, as suggested by population studies. Currently the unemployment rate is nearing 10% in the United States and our nation's debt is the largest in recorded history.
  • Our current Congress's greatest expertise is in spending our hard earned money and the Federal Reserve is printing money faster than I can run the 100 meters and in greater quantities than are imaginable by mankind.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran wants to make us all Muslim, and threatens to annihilate us with a nuclear holocaust, lest we comply. The estimated, time of his nuclear weapons arrival is 18 months.
  • The Taliban, al-Qaeda and a many other Muslim extremist groups with unpronounceable names want to wipe us off the face of the earth and don't mind killing themselves in the process.
  • The asteroid 2004 MN4 threaten man's extinction in the year 2036 for those of us that make it past the 2012 mark.
And what is our government's top priority? Yes you guessed it, healthcare. (Do you have a headache yet?) No?Good, because there is more bad news. Now is it just me, or has this country lost is sense of priority? If there are cataclysms in the offing would it not be best to prepare in some way for it? It seems to me that fixing our health care system would at least come second to survival. Or is it that all the earth quakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, twisters and tsunamis don't matter because we can't do anything about them anyway. In a period when so much havoc is anticipated we should be conserving instead of spending. We should be preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Instead we are seeing our wealth depleted, and our security compromised. Folks, whether or not this is Armageddon coming only a fool would not prepare for it. My suggestion is to prepare yourself and your family for survival, as best you can and if you can do nothing else, prepare your soul for judgment. Do not expect any help from the authorities. Many will die and many will suffer. "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth"

Pray to God that we are spared.

Without an understanding of political, economic and social principles we are inadequate employers unable to discern the proper qualifications for leadership and doomed to lead the ship of state on a course to destruction. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to learn more about your countries history and politics. is here to help you discover where we were and where we are going as a country and as a people.

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