NOVEMBER 23, 2009
CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray, x130 or Mary Beth Hutchins, x105 at 703-683-5004
National Organization for Marriage Launches New $500,000 Message Campaign To Trenton:
"Give New Jersey voters a break; don't vote for Corzine's gay marriage bill" - Brian Brown, Executive Director
"Give New Jersey voters a break; don't vote for Corzine's gay marriage bill" - Brian Brown, Executive Director
(Washington, DC) – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) announces a new $500,000 voter outreach campaign in New Jersey highlighted by the release of a new radio ad, “Give Me a Break,” which will begin running on targeted New Jersey radio stations today and will continue for at least two weeks.
Listen to the ad here:NOM's voter outreach will include telephone calling, direct mailers, and online advertising to let voters know that Democrats are considering following Jon Corzine over a political cliff by pushing gay marriage in the lame duck," said Brian Brown, executive director of NOM.
Or click here to download the ad
The ad, "Give Me a Break," underscores that Gov. Jon Corzine had four years to push a gay marriage bill, and the losing governor should not waste legislators’ valuable time by pushing a gay marriage bill in the lame duck session when New Jersey voters expect elected officials to focus on far more urgent priorities, like jobs, the economy and the budget.
“In the next two weeks NOM will spend $300,000 in voter outreach on the theme of this ad, including radio ad buys, direct mail, and online advertising,” said Brian Brown. “We have reserved an additional $200,000 for advertising and direct mail outreach if the legislature continues to spend more and more of its time into December fooling around with a vote for gay marriage that New Jersey voters do not want.”
The latest installment in NOM's New Jersey campaign will bring the total NOM has spent in New Jersey in 2009 in automated calling, radio and television ads, and direct mail voter outreach to more than $1 million.
NOM was the single largest donor to both of the successful California and Maine campaigns, donating over $1.5 million for each state.
“Give Me a Break-New Jersey” Radio Ad Script:
Here’s a question. If you were a state legislator, what would you focus on during the Lame Duck session?
Female ANNCR
There’s lots of choices. I’d say jobs and the economy. And the budget deficit!
Good pick there. New Jersey has an $8 billion deficit.
You know what some legislators are focused on? Redefining marriage. Throwing marriage to the curb and redefining it as any two people regardless of gender.
Female ANNCR
With all our problems, they want to legalize gay marriage?
Governor Corzine had four years to bring this issue up but hasn’t, and now, with just days to go in his administration, the big push is on.
Female ANNCR
No voter input. No accountability. Give me a break!
290,000 New Jerseyans have signed petitions opposing gay marriage. And every state where the people have voted on gay marriage has rejected it.
Female ANNCR
Gay couples ought to be able to live as they choose, but they shouldn’t get lame duck legislators to redefine marriage for all of society.
Take a stand. Call your state legislators and tell them you oppose redefining marriage.
Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage.
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To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, Executive Director for the National Organization for Marriage,
please contact Elizabeth Ray,, (x130) or
Mary Beth Hutchins,, (x105) at 703-683-5004.