The left has been selling a bill of goods about global warming, overpopulation and world government that I am not willing to buy and neither should any American. This county has had a winning formula for the past 225 years and I am not about to through it all a way because a bunch of socialists have taken over our government. It was the goodness of the people of this country that elected the first Afro-American president. But he and the left wing Congress are taking way too many liberties with the freedoms and wealth of the American people. We need patriots like Nathan Hale to rise up. We need all citizens that believe in freedom and believe in America to call, write, and fax their Representatives to stop the move towards socialism in this country. We are on the verge of being the United Socialist States of America. If you value your freedom at all, now is the time to show your courage and act. The margin in the Senate is razor thin. Act now and be persistent. Stop Cap and Trade. Stop the Reid, Pelosi Health Care Bill.
Protect Life.
Protect Marriage.
Protect Liberty.
It is your civilization that is at stake.