Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thought Provoking Book - Makes You Go "Hmm"

Ok, a couple of disclaimers right up front: 1)SuperFreakonomics is a follow-up book to the authors' first book - Freakonomics. I didn't read Freakonomics, and as it turns out, you don't have to read the first one to get the second one - these aren't vampire novels; 2) More than likely, I would not have read Super Freakonomics if I hadn't been sent a copy to review. Why? The word "freakonomics" is way to close to the word "economics" which, for a creative person like me, is a topic much like a bottle of wine - puts me right out. But I will tell you this - freakonomics is MUCH more interesting than plain, old economics. Here's why:

In spite of the overly witty full title - SuperFreakonomics Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance - the book is actually a fascinating tale of how economics plays into even the most bizarre areas of modern life. I guess that is what authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner wanted to convey with that extravagant title - they should have just let the content speak for itself, but I know, its all about getting people to OPEN the book, I get it, really.

So anyway, back to Super Freakonomics. I really enjoyed this book! I did snooze a bit through Chapter 3, but for the most part, here are two guys with nothing to gain except royalties. They don't seem to have an overt political bend. They don't seem to want to convince me that there is only one right way to do things. They're not selling me anything I don't already own. But what they are doing is taking incongruent subjects, like Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo (ok, not TOTALLY incongruent), prostitutes and Santa Claus, real estate agents and pimps, and telling me that they do actually have something in common and here's how it effects my life.

You see, we tend not to draw the comparisons Steven and Stephen have drawn in Super Freakonomics. Most of us don't want to see these connections or can't because we only really look at the surface of things. The Steves have penetrated that surface and dove down deep. They've brought to light some things that make you go, "hmm." Such as the hand-washing rate of doctors - YES YOU HEARD ME. You'll have to read that chapter for yourself as its quite disturbing.

All in all, its a thought-provoking book that I highly recommend you read. If for nothing else than to give you a little perspective on the world around you, how we got here and where we can hope the future brings us. There's a lot of what I believe is truth, in this book. The chapter on Global Warming is really a good one. But so is the Monkey chapter.

Levitt and Dubner have clearly done a ton of research and another ton of analysis. Typical economists... But untypically, they've written this book in such a way to make it all relevant to what's happening in our world today. Thumbs up.

P.S.: I may just read Freakonomics now...

Joyce Dierschke is a professional writer living in Nashville, TN. She writes on a variety of subjects including spirituality, religion, wellness, pets and more. If you're looking for high-quality, custom content suitable for websites, magazine, e-zines, newspapers, newsletters or blogs, please contact Joyce. For more information or to contact Joyce, visit:

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Joyce Dierschke - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Hidden Approach of Socialism

... The revolutionaries believe that disruption they prepare is the last one, and we all think the same way in the sphere of our activities... we are anxious because we believe, we are entitled to complete the history, to close it, because it seems that our domination is the truth (...) we would amend imperfections (of God' unprepared masters... we want to do better than God, inflict Him the humiliation of a superior paradise (...) the obsession of innovation is the destructive principle of our recovery... (Emile Cioran - History and Utopia)

Socialism is revolutionary not because it proposes the dominance of a class, but because of its principles of radical reshaping not only the politic but also the human and spiritual life. The evil it addresses, become universal threats since the Socialism is a response to local snapshots, but as a universal directives charged of sufficient authority to remake the world in the form of a hypothetical future perfection.

An addition perspective is the meaning we give to the word "revolution" which in the socialist point of view is to slowly introduce changes into the society by a soft approach and using reasonable reasons. Socialism has always used reasonable but temporary issues to come to power.

It presents itself as the good solution which take care both to the charity and to the spiritual need of people. It subtly defends the needs of the marginalized; creating a new world of hate against those more privileged.

It's a diabolical creation, which surely cannot bring any blessing to the people. From a certain perspective hate may be revised as a temporary knowledge to better understand what is the real perfection people have to search for and, at the same time, it force anyone to fight for avoiding people to fall into the trap of "good intentions" that socialism proposes to anesthetize the possibility of a reaction, which in its sense would be illogical.

Today the socialists presented themselves as open minded gentlemen, charming and elegant, conquering the mass with few slogans, interested on the poverty, supported by some Church branches, smiling and shaking hands (and going to wash them immediately), like a sort of laic popes. The subversion they generated is like an incantation of weak minds and this action is well supported by "those intellectuals" which, like theologians listed the new commandments as a base of a brand new society.

Although we race towards the end of this ideology, we should however be aware of the strong and deep foundation it has got in the people minds and understand that is still capable of delivering economic and spiritual pressure to destroy the society.

Anyone should remember and learn from the history and think that we are not saved from this virus in the slow and continual dramatic demolition of nations, especially the self-confidence.

Socialism destroys creativity, culture, innovation as well as research and this is done with the support of men.

No one can think being a good person if, in front of this planned destruction, takes no position. The evil we see cannot be ignored by pretending to leave in peace, just for peace itself, as this creates the most valid condition for the worst dictatorship.

We do know that we will be more consistent in not being ignorant and demonstrating a strong dedication as well as commitment to the society to build a robust foundation to prevent any type of Socialism being introduced among us.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Review - Listen to Your Mother - Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win

Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, Robert Creamer, 2007, ISBN 0979585295

Based on four decades of hands-on experience, this book shows how, for political progressives, being right on the issues is less important than being the winner.

A campaign should concentrate their attention on two types of voters: persuadables, or swing voters, and mobilizables, supporters who need to be motivated to go to the polls. If a campaign can peel off the occasional GOP voter or two, that's great, but do not spend a lot of time or money on it. A campaign needs to find, and address, people's self interests: physical needs, need for structure, intellectual stimulation, control over your life, etc.

These days, it is tempting to base a campaign around new media, like blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Do not, for any reason, abandon old-fashioned Get Out the Vote methods, like phone banks, calling people several times during the campaign, and knocking on doors. People like to be asked for their vote.

All the effort in the world will be worthless if the candidate is boring or wishy-washy on the issues. People like to feel that the candidate is on their side, that they aren't afraid to stick to their values, that they have vision and integrity, and that the candidate respects the voters. Next in importance after having a good candidate is having good organizers and a field operation that can cover the whole area (town, district, state).

It's tempting to think that the election of President Obama, and the current unpopularity of the national Republican Party, makes this book not necessary or obsolete. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It's easy, in relative terms, to win one election, whether on the local, state or national level. The hard part is to continue the day-to-day work to get voters to realize that Progressivism can become the dominant American political philosophy. Besides, the Republicans will not stay unpopular forever. They will be back, perhaps in 2010, perhaps in 2012, and Progressives cannot wait for them to return before they start fighting for the future of America. They should be doing everything possible to change the playing field, now.

This book is an excellent place to start. It is full of information for people planning any sort of political campaign, and is extremely highly recommended.

Paul Lappen is a freelance book reviewer whose website,, has over 700 reviews on all subjects, with an emphasis on small press books.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I wish you, my friends and family, all the same faith, hope, joy and love as was the Queen of Heaven's when she gave birth to Our Lord and Savior in that humble manger some 2000 years ago.

Thank-you for visiting and supporting me in all I do.

Merry Christmas
Joe Conigliaro

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

But the Emperor Has No Clothes!

In the children's story, The Emperor's New Clothes, a group of charlatans convince a vain emperor that they can make a suit of clothes that will enable him to always pick out the best people for a task because those who are unfitted for their job will be unable to see the new clothes.

The emperor wanted to obtain the best possible advisors and workmen, and when the crooks finished telling him how wonderful the new clothes would look, and what a wise ruler he would be to take advantage of their offer, he provided the expensive things they requested to do the job. After a few days he came to check on them and found the piles of supplies somewhat depleted and the workmen busily working at the looms, apparently weaving, but he can see nothing.

If he admits he can't see what they are showing him, and they really are producing such magical cloth, they would realize he wasn't fitted as emperor, so he raves over the material as if he actually saw it, doubting his own senses. A few days later he went up for a fitting, and they measured him and described various features of the design just as his regular tailors had done. They were so convincing that he was convinced he could not depend on his own experience and senses, and dared not admit he couldn't see anything.

The special properties of the suit were widely proclaimed and the entire population gathered, all convinced their unrecognized talents would finally be known. As the emperor modeled the suit before the court, they were all ashamed to admit they saw nothing. In fear that they were the only ones who didn't, they gushed over how astounding the clothing was to keep the others from realizing they didn't really see anything.

When the Emperor leads the procession down the down the streets, his people reacted in the same way, all convinced that if they said anything they'd loose their current positions. Finally a small child called out "The Emperor has no clothes on!" As they laughed about his outburst some admitted they couldn't see anything either. Suddenly they all realized that it was true. Their senses had been correct, the experts had lied. I can only imagine the Emperor's humiliation. Of course by then the experts had taken their money and goods and gone.

Many years ago a large religious organization had developed some financial problems. A fund raising firm promised to develop a program to get them out of trouble in exchange for approximately 30% of the income. Some of the leaders were convinced that the program would produce huge income, and enable them to quickly resolve the problem.

The qualifications of the fundraising team and their projections were presented to the board, as well as a list of the supporters. One older pastor questioned the wisdom of the plan, but was repeatedly informed that he just didn't understand. Finally, he told them that was why he questioned the program. He didn't understand why paying some one almost a third of their income to do what they were already doing would produce more income. It was implied that he was less educated or informed because he opposed the project, and the decision was made to proceed.

The project failed, a major property was lost, and the organization split, largely as a result of that decision and the problems that resulted. Various other pastors admitted they had had doubts at the time, but had allowed the leaders and experts to convince them to over look their concerns to avoid being vilified for not being as well informed. As it turned out the Emperor really didn't have any clothes.

Sadly, we are seeing the same philosophy in our political system. Those who question efforts to correct the economy, healthcare reform, global warming, or homosexual marriage are vilified as out of touch, prejudiced, reactionary, or just plain dumb. An official who questions his party's position is branded a maverick and risks having their support withdrawn. As a result honest examination of the facts is often overridden in the interest of keeping party support. So often, we've found out that Congress spent a lot of money, but have nothing worthwhile to show for it. They bought a lie.

Is it better to get a bill passed by a certain date, or to pass something that will actually resolve the problems, even though it may take longer? It seems to me that it would be better to actually review the facts and pass legislation that actually deals with the problems, regardless how long it takes, or what the so called "experts" and vested interests tell us. Maybe our clothes won't be so impressive, but we won't be embarrassed to find out we didn't have any.

For articles about resolving financial problems, go to []. For a study of biblical teaching relating to daily life go to

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Senator Dodd Unveils Bank Oversight Plan

In an attempt to overhaul the U.S financial system, Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) has unveiled draft legislation that would bring major changes to the existing regulatory system. The proposal would create three new agencies while eliminating several others with the objective of monitoring bank practices and protecting consumers.

The 1,100 page draft bill offers more sweeping change than legislation that has recently been proposed by the White House and in the House of Representatives. Senator Dodd's proposal removes most of the Federal Reserve's banking oversight and consumer protection powers, leaving it the primarily in charge of monetary policy. Additionally, the bill calls for the establishment of a "Super Regulator" to oversee all banks. This new agency, called the Financial Institutions Regulatory Administration, would absorb the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision. It would also assume banking oversight powers currently held by the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit of Insurance Corp.

The idea of a single banking regulator is sure to be controversial. In fact, the American Bankers Association has already voiced its opposition, citing the failure of a similar system in Great Britain. Additionally, small community banks are opposed to a single banking regulator based system. As it stands, the FDIC works in conjunction with the states to regulate state-chartered banks. Under the new plan a special community banking division would be created within the super regulator, forcing the same agency to focus on both the largest and smallest banking institutions.

Senator Dodd's plan would also create an Agency for Financial Stability. Headed by a board of directors that includes the Treasury secretary, the Federal Reserve chairman and other top regulators, the stability agency would oversee financial practices that could potentially threaten the entire financial system. It would also be granted new powers to break up "too-big-to-fail" companies.

The bill's creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency is sure to be a sticking point with Republicans and big bank supporters. This agency would oversee bank products like mortgages and credit cards. A similar agency is included in the House of Representatives version of the bill and the opposition to this requirement has been fierce. In order to pass the House bill, exceptions to stronger rules were included for industries like auto dealers and title insurers.

As expected, the proposal would impose new restrictions on the troubled derivatives market and on credit rating agencies. It would also require hedge funds to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Additionally, the draft includes provisions that would reshape the way that the 12 regional Federal Reserve Boards are structured.

Senator Dodd's proposed legislation has a long way to go before consideration on the Senate floor. In fact, his draft proposal is already hitting roadblocks within his own committee. With such sweeping change to so many regulatory agencies and practices, it will be interesting to follow the progress or sudden death of this aggressive proposal. If the recent fireworks in the House of Representatives are any indication, it's sure to be a good show.

About the Author

Reggie Britt is a consumer loan software developer for institutions serving the small loan customer. His Kwik-Loan software can help companies change their lending focus due to payday lending changes.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

What If Obama is Wrong - Are You Prepared to Take That Chance?

Bailouts, manipulations, unemployment extensions, promises of bogus health care reform, where will the madness end and when will we begin our new journey into Free Enterprise. There is an age old ideology that has been kept secretive from the masses but with this total financial debacle, it's time to unveil this most powerful population control tool. It's called the Fear Induced Protectionism Paradigm and it's been going on since the beginning of time in all areas of our socioeconomic lives. But to simplify, let's go back to grade school to exemplify this entanglement amongst people.

Remember the bully on the playground who always had this propensity to unleash his will on to smaller kids on the playground? Manipulation, rule and control were his master and he was a dictator of his own domination domain. In his mind, the one way to put the cows in the herd and control their thoughts and ultimate decisions was to induce fear, play on that fear to offer up solutions and protection by joining their clan. Wow, what a mind game hah? You may think this is ludicrous, no one would fall for this kind of control and manipulation but, it happens every day in our current society. Let's examine.

There was so much momentum in our media inducing fear into the American public in the initial stages of the banking collapse that it started this massive panic, anticipation and entitlement mode within and amongst the masses. The methodology behind the media cartels (group of "perceived" competitors getting together to control the masses under one regime) was to consistently and collectively inject negativity, fear, and a massive state of isolation after feeling "frozen in time" not knowing where to turn for answers. So there only outlet for a direction was to look to the "governmental tactics" to help them survive. What a Joke! Now that is most certainly allowing the fox to construct the hen house and install the security system?

When you begin to look at events in history dating way back to the early 1900's when the Federal Reserve was enacted (by a secret meeting down in GA with 10 men who then controlled over a ¼ of this country's wealth), this was supposed to be a system of "protection of our monetary policy" and to give a guide to serve the people? How has that worked out?

The Oklahoma city bombings, 911 attacks, Anthrax, Swine Flu and a host of other "trigger point, emotionally intense subject matter" has been the catalyst to induce so much fear into the American public that it's no wonder people turn to unscrupulous actions to survive. How do you possibly separate the real, tangible and factual information of events when it's all a big cover up or distraction for a bigger cause, possibly population control and a One World Order Regime!

We ask ourselves, how has this affected us closer to home in survival mode after the banking and financial model collapse? Well, foreclosures are at an all time high, individual and corporate bankruptcies are up over 46%, the average household has over $16,000 in credit card debt, anxiety medication and vaccines (lord only knows what's in those) are being handed out like tootsie rolls at a parade and we are glued to our TV's and newspapers wondering what Obama is up to next? Up to next, I say, wondering of what he is going to do to protect us next? Probably the biggest lie in American history next to the income tax law.

What this is leading to is actually quite simple. How do you fight the beast when you can't see him? Study your opponent. The formula is being revealed with the advent of the internet and the speed and fluency of information transfer amongst the duly informed.

Free Enterprise Networks are popping up in record numbers as people from all over the nation have hit there "threshold of pain". They are finally awakening to the fact that our current system of government is NOT based upon a Free Republic like the constitution promises, but rather a socialistic, collectivists incumbency to control the masses in taxation, economies of scale, the health industry and the pharmaceutical industry pumping them with drugs to medicate a nation into submission.

If they can control our minds through the Fear Induced Protectionism Paradigm (they are doing a masterful job, for now) and we stay in entitlement mode, they will win the war. BUT, slowly with our social media awareness, free enterprise thinkers, home based business opportunities on the internet, wealth transformation from a JOB mentality to a network marketing ideal, we can slowly bring ourselves out of this isolation. There is a formula and success model already built in an entrepreneurial society that is gaining major momentum in awakening people to free enterprise money creation. The internet and the world wide web have created the massive opportunity for the masses with courage to wake up and realize if they don't make some changes now with their thoughts and actions, they will be stuck and enslaved in that corporate and Job mentality forever. The shift is here, it's now and it's real!

All the wealth is created on the internet but more importantly in helping others realize their goals and dreams. With that mindset and action plan YOU cannot lose. Isn't it conceivable that we have the power to turn the tables on our opponent? What if we banned together in Free Enterprise, harnessed all of our skill sets, devised a plan to take over pockets of society in Free Enterprise, couldn't we begin population control amongst the masses but in an empowerment mode instead of a control and manipulation ideal?

It's a bold statement, but if you think your boss and your 401k are going to provide the formula for prosperity, you are sadly mistaken...

Scott Lifer- Author, Master Internet Marketer and Speaker on Freedoms and civil liberties in the Mega Information Era. creator of a financial and personal empowerment model to help people realize their potential...

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Scott Lifer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, December 18, 2009

Contact Your Congressmen - Stop the Heath Care Bill

This is the time for all good men to take action. I again call upon you to rise up at stop the health care bill before it becomes law. It has within it the seeds of slavery. We will not only be taxed against our will, we will be taxed to death and after death. The bill continues to grow in size and scope even as parts are removed for compromise to make it more palatable for both the left and the right of the democratic party. The country cannot afford a bill which is kept from it's view. The country cannot afford a bill that increases the Federal bureaucracy to control 1/6 of the economy at a time when our unemployment rate is in excess of 10%. Our seniors should not be sacrificed for what these "law makers" say will is a plan that will lower health care costs, by removing billions form Medicare to create another bureaucracy. And when has anyone ever heard of a government program that saves us money?

The president will sign just about anything that can be called a"Health Care Bill" just so he can claim a victory and move his agenda forward, even at great compromise. Don't let this bill be signed into law. Within it are seeds of destruction, which attack the very principals our country was founded upon. The bill will give the Federal Government power over your life and death as well as power over the people that serve us when we are most in need, the medical community. The final insult, it will enrich the very people that do least service, the bureaucrats and lawyer.

I implore you once again. Contact your Congressmen, your life depends on it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The New Wellness Revolution by Paul Zane Pilzer

This updated look at the up and coming trillion dollar wellness industry expounds upon the original Wellness Revolution by Paul Zane Pilzer. This industry has already grown to over $500 billion and it is still in its infancy. The book lays a foundation covering our current health crises in America and explains the need for changing the paradigm of the sickness industry to a focus on wellness.

From a discussion on the misconceptions about the food we buy and eat, to the dangerous pharmaceutical industry and the maintenance drugs that they sell us, and the need for extensive reform of health insurance, Paul dissects the sickness industry and calls out the perpetrators who continue to profit on our sickness. Mr. Pilzer then explains several major business opportunities found in changing this industry by helping others through wellness programs, including a major focus on the direct sales industry and its roots in wellness products.

I highly encourage everyone to explore the opportunities found within the pages of this great book. The health research alone provides great advice and certainly some eye-opening statements that will make you rethink your own health and nutrition.

What you will find inside:

  • The need for wellness and the baby boom generation
  • Nutrition and problems with food and diet
  • Making a fortune in food
  • Making a fortune in medicine
  • Important health insurance problems and solutions
  • Financing your wellness through new health insurance solutions
  • Making a fortune distributing wellness
  • The roots of wellness products and distribution through direct selling
  • Tips for the staking your claim in this upcoming revolution

Jamie Bennett is a managing member of Jamison Projects LLC, a leading Infopreneuring firm dedicated to partnering with like-minded alliances and having a stewardship approach to our resources through our 50/50 program. Jamie is a husband, father, Christian, learner, leader, and lover of life... "I will never be a follower, but will always be a student."

Blog Posts at:

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The New Wellness Revolution: How to Make a Fortune in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry

Jamie Bennett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, December 14, 2009

Equal Protection, The US Constitution, And The George Washington Connection

Whenever laws aren't explicitly stipulated in the American Constitution (and when it comes to constitutional law, nothing is explicit), each state takes advantage of the wiggle room to create and maintain its own legal code. Although this gives states a lot of leeway in areas, precautions are taken to ensure that the laws most directly affecting people have a certain level of standardization. Enter the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The EPC requires that states do not apply laws to different groups of people in a discriminatory matter - that is, without meeting certain conditions first. Laws pertaining specifically to African-Americans or, in certain cases, matters of citizenship must meet rigorous standards in order to be upheld. Laws that distinguish between men and women fall under the second tier of scrutiny, and most other specific social groups fall under the third, or least strict tier.

So while a state has the right to try things differently from its neighbors, the second it oversteps its bounds in treating people differently - or is proven to be complicit with a private organization that does - the federal government gets to swoop in and wield its influence directly. Equal protection is a classic example of the uneasy compromise between state and federal power in the US. Although this division has never been more contentious than during the Civil War, its relevance has increased steadily in recent years as states take (and in some cases, re-take) their stances on gay marriage.

Ultimately, this power struggle can be traced back to federalism, one of the fundamental Constitution concepts which the American founding fathers used to help unite a young nation. Even though the word "federalism" usually makes us think of stuff like The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, dueling, and that milk commercial where the guy yells "Aaron Burr!" through a mouthful of cake, the idea was already in place back when the United States was neither united nor states; after all, what could be more important to thirteen rebellious colonies than NOT giving all their power to a centralized government?

Ironically, one of the US's earliest supporters of a stronger central government was rabble-rousing George Washington himself (whose being president at the time surely had no influence on the decision). Washington feared that states' insistence on having a loose confederation would eventually tear the budding nation apart, so in order to make national government seem more palatable, Washington supported Hamilton's plan to nationalize state debts. By buying the government a little allegiance, Washington also strategically freed the states of their foreign obligations. And after warring with and separating from one of the most powerful nations on earth, how many states were in a financial position to say no?

Shmoop is an online study guide for English Literature, US History and Civics topics like American Constitution and Equal Protection. Its content is written by Ph.D. and Masters students from top universities, like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale who have also taught at the high school and college levels. Teachers and students should feel confident to cite Shmoop.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Priorities

Once again it is the Advent season and, as it does every year, life gets more hectic. One's job demands increase as work needs to be completed before the end of the year. The children all need to be brought to their various Christmas events. The shopping, of course, has to get done before the big day. All the decorations have to go up and the tree prepared. It just becomes so overwhelming. Yet we do seem to get through it every year…or do we?

For Americans, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared December 25th a national holiday after World War II in thanksgiving for the triumph over the evil fought against during the war. For those of us who are Christian, of course, the day is the celebration of the birth of our Savior. It is a time to remember the love shown to us by God incarnate that day some 2000 years ago as he humbled himself to be born as we are born.

The message of Christmas is not something that should be lost in the preparation for the day. Rather the preparation should be the prayer that leads up the celebration of the wondrous day when the Blessed Virgin gave birth to our God. Our minds and hearts should be on Jesus' love for us as we prepare for the day of celebration.

What a wonderful gift we have all been given. We have the opportunity to make our own choices; to be part of a country where the laws are derived from the word of God. When God made man, he made him free. When Jesus came, He freed man from sin. A wonderful gift to give this year is the gift of freedom to your fellow Americans.
I wish you a Blessed Christmas and many years of freedom to come.

Joseph L. Conigliaro

Friday, December 11, 2009

When it Looks the Worst is Usually the Presentment of the Most Opportunity

Why is it that doom and gloom are glorified and sensationalized by the media while hope, abundance and societal abundance are not even on the radar? People will be glued to their TV set with the onset of a national disaster or horrific Hollywood divorce but will not listen to an ad in a newspaper or on the internet of how home based businesses and internet marketing secrets are changing the face of our economy in a seemingly underground society? It's as if people who seek out alternative information and subject matter to start their own entrepreneurial enterprise are part of some sort of malicious revolt or cult.

We do not have to look far to hear terms like foreclosure, bank failures, 3rd quarter earnings plummeting, anti-psychotic prescriptions at all time highs, housing market slides again and all the other negative rhetoric. It has become a pandemic within society for people to listen to the next presidential announcement to guide them in their next life decision. Bailouts, Health Care Reform, Monetary policy and the War in Iraq are at the forefront of every uninformed Americans mind whom continues to believe that big government are somehow going to save us from collapse. But, if people are willing to stand up and be counted there is a whole another freedom fighting regime that has sprung up in this Mega Information Era to inform, create, empower all walks of life to regain control of their time, money and family values in order to survive and thrive in this ever perplexing environment.

An underlying mindset has been formed within societal enslavement of the uninformed that we somehow are entitled from our government and cartel elitists to receive some sort of monetary bailout or handout from this elusive entity. We must break this pattern if we are to have any hope in regaining control of our emotional, financial and socioeconomic destinies.

There are a couple age old sayings that can be applied to our current paradigm that can leave some clues on our next move. "When things seem the worst, are usually when they turn", "It feels like the calm before the storm" analogies are directly related to today's unrest if we look closely. After the Great Depression of the late twenties and early thirties, more opportunities for economic growth, individual millionaires, and emotional hysteria were created than any other time in history. Even though most of us cannot give a firsthand account of those times, I think it's fair to say times were tough, optimism was lean and many suffered depression, suicide and many other emotional issues due to the touch economic times. With all of that, the informed and optimistic found ways to prosper and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves in times of calamity. Ever notice that the "informed" always seem to come out on top? What is it they know that we wish we did? Am I defective in my thinking and do I need to be put on medication to deal with the economic stress?

In most cases, the answers are quite simple but have been deliberately hidden from the mainstream for selfish and monetary reasons of control, manipulation and greed by the cartel based money crooks. People are people, information is information and mis-information is mis-information. Could it be possible that in these times of unrest that we are getting ready again for yet another paradigmatic shift in our thinking, our way of life and our economic models to prepare the "informed" for the largest transformation of wealth this country has ever seen? YEP!

You guessed it. The internet is providing the framework and tools to be able to capture our share of wealth and prosperity within this paradigm shift. With jobs being downsized and lost at an alarming rate, families losing their homes and the depression rate at all time highs it is high time we listen to mentors and coaches who have had the "rubber meet the road" rather than a boss, financial planner, psychiatry, mainstream doctors or any other societal manipulations that control our thoughts and emotions. Enough is enough! With the advent of internet commerce and the exponential transfer of information people now have access to launch their own entrepreneurial enterprise on the net to leverage their time, which is their most valuable resource. Home based businesses are a catch phrase just like cell phones and I Pods but there are certain key components one must look for or they can get caught up in the maze of information just like the "no roaming" craze in that ear piece.

There are over 79 million Google searches every month for people wanting to fire their boss forever and get out of that cubicle of enslavement but also comes that stigma of "I will get scammed on the internet" if I listen to anyone on the internet. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are a few simple steps you can take to launch your own "legitimate" and provable system and conduct a business from home in your pajamas. First, you must do your research and use commons sense. If a business opportunity will take anyone with a pulse and promises 50k in 30 days than it is most likely a scam. If there is no application process just like a job would have or no upfront due diligence or financial commitment than it's probably a scam or a Multi level scheme with no proprietary product lines to back the model. There must a proven, systematic model with true, tangible products to back the compensation plan. Bottom line, if your only hope is to sign up 300 people under you, hope 50% of them do their job, and you can make 1-2k per month if those things happen, this is NOT a viable model. Lastly, there must be real people, real coaching and approachability to the system. Have you ever signed up for something without talking to anyone?

We have proven our financial model is broke, the industrial and technological and dot com busts are over and we can no longer rely on a boss or some perceived expert in any area of our life so our only hope is to seek out mentors and elite coaches who have "walked in your shoes". They have a definitive WHY driving them to success. They fired their boss and are living a life they have created and are willing to help you find your WHY! WHY not entrust someone you can communicate with about trials and tribulations and who has a vested interest in helping you live the life you deserve? Here is a little secret to finding the opportunities that exist when times look the worst. Talk to people! We have become way too isolated in our cubicle and hibernation in our own troubled world. If you are willing to stand up and work as hard for yourself in Free Enterprise wealth creation as you did for your boss, it's time to find opportunity in the times looking the worst.

Copyright, Scott Lifer 2009

Scott Lifer- Author, Professional Speaker.
Master Online Marketer for Mega Information Era.
Coach and Mentor guiding people to an online successful business.

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Scott Lifer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stop Taxing Me to Pay For Other People's Expenses

The Tax Revolt this time was peaceful, will that continue as inflation rises, taxes rise and standard of living fails? There are after all more nightmares to come in our overall economic health in America. For instance; Medicare is a nightmare and major financial crisis for this nation. Social Security is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme Time Bomb. How big are these monsters amongst us? Try 110 Trillion Dollars? How much is that?

Well, it's about twice as much as all the assets owned by every US Citizen, that's how much it is. Interestingly enough, the Democrats want to increase the coverage, and dig us deeper into the next major crisis. Is it any wonder that there was a bit of tea being thrown around on Tax Day 2009? I would recommend that everyone read;

"Free to Choose" by Milton and Rose Friedman in 1980.

In this book he explains how unethical it is to take or steal money from you and I and then use it to pay for other people's needs and why such a fundamentally flawed system is bound to fail, regardless of the issue that it is currently a Ponzi Scheme. Ponzi Scheme in that money is taken in the form of payroll income taxation and then spent in the general fund, then the government borrows money to pay for the services they promised as they come due.

Obviously, this way of misappropriation is so very similar to the Madoff Case and to think it is our own government doing it, well, that ought to make anyone's tea boil? Think on this.

Lance Winslow enjoys community philanthropy - Lance Winslow likes small business. Lance Winslow has also been involved in the Oil Industry;

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, December 7, 2009

Crises Can Open Opportunities For Loss of Freedom

Crises, whether real or contrived, open opportunities for ignoring constitutional issues. With almost every state experiencing budget shortfalls, The Dow Jones newsletter Tomorrow's News Today predicts that states will be forced to lay off 900,000 employees to balance their budgets. Such conditions may well encourage leaders to act, without following due process.

New Mexico is facing a $600 million shortfall for the current fiscal year. A special session of the state legislature was called to make decisions about the budget. An agreement was hammered out on the last day of the session and forwarded to Governor Richardson for approval.

Governor Richardson delayed signing until the last day, then vetoed some provisions while accepting others. He and his advisors then produced their own program which was published as an executive order, rather than bringing the legislature back to produce acceptable legislation.

The purpose of having an Executive Branch, a Legislative Branch, and a Judicial Branch in our state government is to prevent excessive power being concentrated in one group or person. By issuing his executive order, Bill Richardson has usurped the legislatures authority to make the budget go his own way, thereby in effect negating all the votes of the citizens those legislators represent. They each represent smaller constituencies, and thus their decisions should be more representative of the people's desires.

Unfortunately, he is not the first politician to use a crisis to set aside legal restraints. George Bush did so several times using the 911 attack as an excuse. The CDC has used numerous health threats to se aside legal protections of businesses and individuals in the guise of resolving a health crisis. The Treasury Department has used the same principle in handing out bailout money without obeying congressional guidelines.

As state shortfalls increase, these types of over stepping authority are likely to become more common. It will be easy for constitutional authority to be usurped, in many cases unintentionally, but also deliberately. If such actions are ignored, we may well find most of our freedoms and protections taken away.

The book, The Tyranny of The Urgent, describes the pressure to take action on seemingly urgent affairs. As a result, people neglect more important issues in an effort to relieve the pressure. Claims of crisis produce a similar sense of urgency, and people become so focused on the crises they ignore other issues. It really doesn't matter whether the crisis is real, as long as people believe it to be. Con artists find it easier to invent crisis than to find a real one.

Former President Clinton said it would be better to pass even a bad bill than to do nothing in encouraging congress to pass the Healthcare reform bill. He failed to take into account the results of the Creditors Rights bill Congress just passed. Less than a month after passing, many credit card users found their interest tripled or more. Fees on almost all accounts were increased and new fees were imposed. A defective bill made the problem much worse.

The old saying "if you don't have time to do it right the first time, How will you ever get time to do it again?" is even more important in legislation than in many other areas, because it affects more people. Allowing a sense of urgency to rush into ill-conceived legislation is dangerous.

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and many others have used Crises to gain power. To avoid losing our freedoms, we need to periodically step back and observe the other things that are happening, things which most people seem not to see because they have become equally focused. People, including reporters and politicians, find it easy to follow the crowd, but sometimes the crowd is wrong.

An example is the focus on Global warming. The media reported that two years ago farms in Sweden were discovered that had been covered with ice since the early 1700's. The so called "proofs" of Global warming actually showed that during the 1600's temperatures were warmer than they had been until the present time. The claims of urgency have distracted people from checking out the facts. If it continues, it will result in serious problems due to misguided decisions.

One principle is to follow the money. If Al Gore will make one hundred million Dollars by convincing people that Global warming is real, he has a vested interest in doing so. His claims need to be supported by other research. The same is true with the H1N1 swine flu crisis. The medical establishment makes $25 per shot. That's a lot of money if they can get half the population to get shots. It could well cause them to overlook evidence which doesn't support vaccinations. Does this mean that there is no problem? Obviously not, but it does indicate we need to examine the crises more carefully to determine what the real problem is.

When proposed actions ignore the constitution or peoples rights, they need to be especially closely examined as their effects are so serious, and difficult to undo once in place.

For information on what the Bible teaches about various situations by the author go to

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Trust of Public Office

"The very essence of a free government consists in considering offices as public trusts, bestowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual or a party" John Caldwell Calhoun 1782-1850, speech [February 13, 1835] from Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

Friday, December 4, 2009

Book Review - The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich

Upon examining the cover of The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook: A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal, one sees two martini glasses and a bra thrown carelessly on the floor. The cover gives a glimpse into the world of Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, the founders of Facebook. The author, Ben Mezrich, tells the true story with help of Eduardo Saverin of how Facebook was started and how it has become a dorm-room experiment worth over fifteen billion dollars.

Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin met at a fraternity related function while freshmen at Harvard. Mark Zuckerberg had the privilege of being extremely smart while Eduardo Saverin was very outgoing and likable. They stared at each other across the room as Eduardo was talking up a storm and Zuckerberg was being a wallflower. The two ended up talking and becoming unlikely friends. Saverin revealed that he was trying to become a member of the revered Pheonix, a social fraternity at Harvard that threw the best parties. Zuckerberg proved to have a unique personality and sense of humor, never really revealing his true thoughts or emotions.

Since Saverin was the social one and Zuckerberg was painfully introverted, Saverin found a pair of girls for them to go out with one night. Both college guys were interested in getting girls, but Zuckerberg did not know how to go about approaching them. The four people went on a double date, and Mark was shot down and left the date extremely angered. The girl had no interest in him at all. He decided he would use his computer science degree and overwhelming knowledge of the internet and programming to get back at the girls of Harvard.

Zuckerberg started by hacking into the university's dorm rosters and loading pictures of every person on campus into his computer. He originally intended to place the pictures of all the girls next to a picture of a farm animal to really insult them. However, he decided against the idea and ended up making a system where people could rate guys and girls on their "hotness". He called the site Facemash. The site was largely successful as people emailed the site to everyone they know and there were thousands of visitors in only one day. Mark never imagined this site would blow up as it had and knew that he may be facing some legal issues. Girls and guys all over Harvard's campus were angry that people were rating them on how hot, or not, they were.

Harvard's review board ended up talking to Zuckerberg in private where he told the board that he never intended any harm, and the website was quickly removed from the internet. He was let off the hook, but could not cause any more trouble. Now that he made such a successful website, everyone knew who he was. Many people hated him, but there were thousands of people who loved him. Two of the people who wanted to talk to him and get to know him better were two members of Harvard's prestigious rowing team, the Winklevoss twins. These two men were dashingly handsome, all of the girls wanted them, and they would most likely represent the United States in the Olympics one day.

The Winklevoss twins started emailing and meeting with Mark to discuss their idea; they wanted to create a social networking site where people on Harvard's campus could communicate and hook up. It was basically a way to meet guys and girls without having to go through the odd introductory period. Mark seemed excited about the idea and saw its potential and agreed to help the twins with the coding part of their project. However, all along the twins did not promise Mark payment or any type of reward, only the promise that he would be able to meet people. Zuckerberg quickly began working on the project, but realized that the website was not aesthetically pleasing and was lacking some key elements. He stopped working on the website and had to avoid the twins as they continually asked him about his progress, while starting a project of his own on the side.

Zuckerberg came up with an idea similar to that of the Winklevoss twins called thefacebook. This site would not only allow people to meet one another, but would allow them to create circles of friends, post pictures, talk about their interests, and even leave messages on their friends' "walls". The website was released and took off again. Everyone knew Zuckerberg and how he could create amazing websites, and they all wanted a piece of thefacebook. Mark's website soon had most of Harvard's campus registered. Other schools nearby joined in too and millions of people had joined thefacebook within a year.

While Zuckerberg enjoyed his success of thefacebook, his ties with Eduardo Saverin and the Winklevoss twins went sour. The Winklevoss twins knew that something was unfair about Zuckerberg's new website which seemed nearly identical to theirs. They ended up threatening with a lawsuit and being rewarded with an estimated 65 million dollars once Facebook was a world wide phenomenon. Eduardo Saverin was in a similar boat when Zuckerberg realized that he was not really doing anything for the company. Saverin had only fronted several thousand dollars to set up the website and had played a backseat role ever since. He was eventually phased out of the company once it when public and he sued Zuckerberg as well. No one really knows what his compensation was when he won the lawsuit, but his name has mysteriously reappeared on Facebook's ownership list.

Along with fame and money, one thing was for certain: girls would follow. Zuckerberg and Saverin had their share of girls once thefacebook became popular. Zuckerberg even found him involved with a Victoria's Secret model at a California club thanks to his newfound friend, Sean Parker. Parker is a Silicon Valley celebrity since he founded Napster. His file sharing community took the world by storm before he was unfairly evicted from his own company and made nothing from it. He went on to found several other companies of note and seemed to have an eye for great talent.

Parker forced his way into thefacebook. He found out about the company after he woke up in some girl's bedroom one day and found thefacebook open on her computer. He browsed the webpage for a few minutes and knew he had to contact Zuckerberg. Parker had the ability to take Mark's company to the next level since he had already been to the top and knew a lot of very rich people in very high places. Zuckerberg took Parker along for the ride, thefacebook became Facebook, and the company went from pretty big to enormously popular. Every college and university became involved with Facebook and Zuckerberg's worth went from nothing to billions of dollars in only a few years. Parker may have made some money off of his shares of Facebook, but was also kicked out of the company eventually due to legal issues.

Mark Zuckerberg is worth over 15 billion dollars today; he is the youngest billionaire ever. Companies and investors are dying to buy even small portions of his company, but Zuckerberg knows he is sitting on a goldmine which will only become more valuable. He did decide to sell a few percent of his company to his idol, Bill Gates of Microsoft, for over two billion dollars. He will comfortably live off this money and then some for the rest of his life and can keep building Facebook for the fun of it. Zuckerberg is an inspiring success story showing that the quiet, nerdy people can really create some waves in this world. This book is highly recommended and is rated 4.5 out of 5.

Daniel Breedlove is the owner and manager of Corner Office Books, the internet's premier website on business book reviews and sales. For hundreds of reviews of the best business books available, visit the website at

Article Source:

The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Health Care Plan, Pros & Cons - What About the Constitution?

There is daily coverage of the 2009 Health Care Reform Bill pros and cons. The coverage is incessant and well it should be. It will change our lives. However, there is a fundamental question that is ignored, what about the Constitution?

Very recently, Speaker of the House Pelosi was asked by CNS News, "... where does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?" Her response was, "Are you serious? Are you serious?" CNS News: "Yes, yes I am."

Later, Pelosi's press secretary went on record as saying, "That is not a serious question." My question: "Asking for Constitutional clarification is not a serious question?"

I have another question just how many of our Senators and Representatives do you think have actually read the Health Reform Act? Yes, I think you are right. Not very many.

Regardless, it seems to me that it is not within Congress' or President Obama's authority to dictate to any citizen whether an individual must carry health insurance. How about you? How do you feel about it?

It is like automobile seat belt laws. I know that there is evidence to support the use of seat belts. Still, in my naive way of thinking, I cannot accept being fined for not wearing my seatbelt. There is no evidence that my not wearing a seatbelt will hurt any one else.

So then, this law, the seatbelt law, is a law for my own good. A law passed by those that know better for my own good. Whatever happened to my unalienable rights? I realize that those unalienable rights are not part of the Constitution but they are words on which this nation was founded (The Declaration of Independence).

Some would argue that enacting a Public Health Policy requiring health insurance under penalty of prosecution falls under the Congress' Constitutional prerogative or right and duty "to promote the general welfare". I agree.Promoting the general welfare is Congress' obligation. However, it is not their prerogative, duty or right to dictate the general welfare. Promoting and dictating are two distinct words with completely different meanings.

Any law that would require a citizen to insure himself for his own protection under penalty of prosecution is not promoting. That is dictating. It is enforcement, not a suggestion.

Do not confuse the likes of auto liability insurance, which is an enforced law in most of the country, with a required health insurance mandate.

Liability insurance protects you from the consequences of someone else's actions. If someone causes harm or damage to you or your property, you have recourse. Liability insurance protects you from someone else's negligence not your own.

Requiring liability insurance is promoting the general welfare. That mandate protects you from others. Health insurance protects you for you. It does not protect you from someone else.

Requiring me or anyone else to have medical insurance under penalty of prosecution is just plain wrong.

Maybe we should also require mandatory life insurance, so that I can pay those exorbitant funeral costs. What do you think?

There are many events and issues that deserve honest non-partisan review. Tony Perez is the editor of just such a review.

You can express your objective non-partisan opinions and comments at Go there now and give us your insight.

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