Bailouts, manipulations, unemployment extensions, promises of bogus health care reform, where will the madness end and when will we begin our new journey into Free Enterprise. There is an age old ideology that has been kept secretive from the masses but with this total financial debacle, it's time to unveil this most powerful population control tool. It's called the Fear Induced Protectionism Paradigm and it's been going on since the beginning of time in all areas of our socioeconomic lives. But to simplify, let's go back to grade school to exemplify this entanglement amongst people.
Remember the bully on the playground who always had this propensity to unleash his will on to smaller kids on the playground? Manipulation, rule and control were his master and he was a dictator of his own domination domain. In his mind, the one way to put the cows in the herd and control their thoughts and ultimate decisions was to induce fear, play on that fear to offer up solutions and protection by joining their clan. Wow, what a mind game hah? You may think this is ludicrous, no one would fall for this kind of control and manipulation but, it happens every day in our current society. Let's examine.
There was so much momentum in our media inducing fear into the American public in the initial stages of the banking collapse that it started this massive panic, anticipation and entitlement mode within and amongst the masses. The methodology behind the media cartels (group of "perceived" competitors getting together to control the masses under one regime) was to consistently and collectively inject negativity, fear, and a massive state of isolation after feeling "frozen in time" not knowing where to turn for answers. So there only outlet for a direction was to look to the "governmental tactics" to help them survive. What a Joke! Now that is most certainly allowing the fox to construct the hen house and install the security system?
When you begin to look at events in history dating way back to the early 1900's when the Federal Reserve was enacted (by a secret meeting down in GA with 10 men who then controlled over a ¼ of this country's wealth), this was supposed to be a system of "protection of our monetary policy" and to give a guide to serve the people? How has that worked out?
The Oklahoma city bombings, 911 attacks, Anthrax, Swine Flu and a host of other "trigger point, emotionally intense subject matter" has been the catalyst to induce so much fear into the American public that it's no wonder people turn to unscrupulous actions to survive. How do you possibly separate the real, tangible and factual information of events when it's all a big cover up or distraction for a bigger cause, possibly population control and a One World Order Regime!
We ask ourselves, how has this affected us closer to home in survival mode after the banking and financial model collapse? Well, foreclosures are at an all time high, individual and corporate bankruptcies are up over 46%, the average household has over $16,000 in credit card debt, anxiety medication and vaccines (lord only knows what's in those) are being handed out like tootsie rolls at a parade and we are glued to our TV's and newspapers wondering what Obama is up to next? Up to next, I say, wondering of what he is going to do to protect us next? Probably the biggest lie in American history next to the income tax law.
What this is leading to is actually quite simple. How do you fight the beast when you can't see him? Study your opponent. The formula is being revealed with the advent of the internet and the speed and fluency of information transfer amongst the duly informed.
Free Enterprise Networks are popping up in record numbers as people from all over the nation have hit there "threshold of pain". They are finally awakening to the fact that our current system of government is NOT based upon a Free Republic like the constitution promises, but rather a socialistic, collectivists incumbency to control the masses in taxation, economies of scale, the health industry and the pharmaceutical industry pumping them with drugs to medicate a nation into submission.
If they can control our minds through the Fear Induced Protectionism Paradigm (they are doing a masterful job, for now) and we stay in entitlement mode, they will win the war. BUT, slowly with our social media awareness, free enterprise thinkers, home based business opportunities on the internet, wealth transformation from a JOB mentality to a network marketing ideal, we can slowly bring ourselves out of this isolation. There is a formula and success model already built in an entrepreneurial society that is gaining major momentum in awakening people to free enterprise money creation. The internet and the world wide web have created the massive opportunity for the masses with courage to wake up and realize if they don't make some changes now with their thoughts and actions, they will be stuck and enslaved in that corporate and Job mentality forever. The shift is here, it's now and it's real!
All the wealth is created on the internet but more importantly in helping others realize their goals and dreams. With that mindset and action plan YOU cannot lose. Isn't it conceivable that we have the power to turn the tables on our opponent? What if we banned together in Free Enterprise, harnessed all of our skill sets, devised a plan to take over pockets of society in Free Enterprise, couldn't we begin population control amongst the masses but in an empowerment mode instead of a control and manipulation ideal?
It's a bold statement, but if you think your boss and your 401k are going to provide the formula for prosperity, you are sadly mistaken...
Scott Lifer- Author, Master Internet Marketer and Speaker on Freedoms and civil liberties in the Mega Information Era. creator of a financial and personal empowerment model to help people realize their potential... Article Source: | ![]() |
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