Why is it that doom and gloom are glorified and sensationalized by the media while hope, abundance and societal abundance are not even on the radar? People will be glued to their TV set with the onset of a national disaster or horrific Hollywood divorce but will not listen to an ad in a newspaper or on the internet of how home based businesses and internet marketing secrets are changing the face of our economy in a seemingly underground society? It's as if people who seek out alternative information and subject matter to start their own entrepreneurial enterprise are part of some sort of malicious revolt or cult.
We do not have to look far to hear terms like foreclosure, bank failures, 3rd quarter earnings plummeting, anti-psychotic prescriptions at all time highs, housing market slides again and all the other negative rhetoric. It has become a pandemic within society for people to listen to the next presidential announcement to guide them in their next life decision. Bailouts, Health Care Reform, Monetary policy and the War in Iraq are at the forefront of every uninformed Americans mind whom continues to believe that big government are somehow going to save us from collapse. But, if people are willing to stand up and be counted there is a whole another freedom fighting regime that has sprung up in this Mega Information Era to inform, create, empower all walks of life to regain control of their time, money and family values in order to survive and thrive in this ever perplexing environment.
An underlying mindset has been formed within societal enslavement of the uninformed that we somehow are entitled from our government and cartel elitists to receive some sort of monetary bailout or handout from this elusive entity. We must break this pattern if we are to have any hope in regaining control of our emotional, financial and socioeconomic destinies.
There are a couple age old sayings that can be applied to our current paradigm that can leave some clues on our next move. "When things seem the worst, are usually when they turn", "It feels like the calm before the storm" analogies are directly related to today's unrest if we look closely. After the Great Depression of the late twenties and early thirties, more opportunities for economic growth, individual millionaires, and emotional hysteria were created than any other time in history. Even though most of us cannot give a firsthand account of those times, I think it's fair to say times were tough, optimism was lean and many suffered depression, suicide and many other emotional issues due to the touch economic times. With all of that, the informed and optimistic found ways to prosper and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves in times of calamity. Ever notice that the "informed" always seem to come out on top? What is it they know that we wish we did? Am I defective in my thinking and do I need to be put on medication to deal with the economic stress?
In most cases, the answers are quite simple but have been deliberately hidden from the mainstream for selfish and monetary reasons of control, manipulation and greed by the cartel based money crooks. People are people, information is information and mis-information is mis-information. Could it be possible that in these times of unrest that we are getting ready again for yet another paradigmatic shift in our thinking, our way of life and our economic models to prepare the "informed" for the largest transformation of wealth this country has ever seen? YEP!
You guessed it. The internet is providing the framework and tools to be able to capture our share of wealth and prosperity within this paradigm shift. With jobs being downsized and lost at an alarming rate, families losing their homes and the depression rate at all time highs it is high time we listen to mentors and coaches who have had the "rubber meet the road" rather than a boss, financial planner, psychiatry, mainstream doctors or any other societal manipulations that control our thoughts and emotions. Enough is enough! With the advent of internet commerce and the exponential transfer of information people now have access to launch their own entrepreneurial enterprise on the net to leverage their time, which is their most valuable resource. Home based businesses are a catch phrase just like cell phones and I Pods but there are certain key components one must look for or they can get caught up in the maze of information just like the "no roaming" craze in that ear piece.
There are over 79 million Google searches every month for people wanting to fire their boss forever and get out of that cubicle of enslavement but also comes that stigma of "I will get scammed on the internet" if I listen to anyone on the internet. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are a few simple steps you can take to launch your own "legitimate" and provable system and conduct a business from home in your pajamas. First, you must do your research and use commons sense. If a business opportunity will take anyone with a pulse and promises 50k in 30 days than it is most likely a scam. If there is no application process just like a job would have or no upfront due diligence or financial commitment than it's probably a scam or a Multi level scheme with no proprietary product lines to back the model. There must a proven, systematic model with true, tangible products to back the compensation plan. Bottom line, if your only hope is to sign up 300 people under you, hope 50% of them do their job, and you can make 1-2k per month if those things happen, this is NOT a viable model. Lastly, there must be real people, real coaching and approachability to the system. Have you ever signed up for something without talking to anyone?
We have proven our financial model is broke, the industrial and technological and dot com busts are over and we can no longer rely on a boss or some perceived expert in any area of our life so our only hope is to seek out mentors and elite coaches who have "walked in your shoes". They have a definitive WHY driving them to success. They fired their boss and are living a life they have created and are willing to help you find your WHY! WHY not entrust someone you can communicate with about trials and tribulations and who has a vested interest in helping you live the life you deserve? Here is a little secret to finding the opportunities that exist when times look the worst. Talk to people! We have become way too isolated in our cubicle and hibernation in our own troubled world. If you are willing to stand up and work as hard for yourself in Free Enterprise wealth creation as you did for your boss, it's time to find opportunity in the times looking the worst.
Copyright, Scott Lifer 2009 Scott Lifer- Author, Professional Speaker. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Lifer | ![]() |
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