This is the time for all good men to take action. I again call upon you to rise up at stop the health care bill before it becomes law. It has within it the seeds of slavery. We will not only be taxed against our will, we will be taxed to death and after death. The bill continues to grow in size and scope even as parts are removed for compromise to make it more palatable for both the left and the right of the democratic party. The country cannot afford a bill which is kept from it's view. The country cannot afford a bill that increases the Federal bureaucracy to control 1/6 of the economy at a time when our unemployment rate is in excess of 10%. Our seniors should not be sacrificed for what these "law makers" say will is a plan that will lower health care costs, by removing billions form Medicare to create another bureaucracy. And when has anyone ever heard of a government program that saves us money?
The president will sign just about anything that can be called a"Health Care Bill" just so he can claim a victory and move his agenda forward, even at great compromise. Don't let this bill be signed into law. Within it are seeds of destruction, which attack the very principals our country was founded upon. The bill will give the Federal Government power over your life and death as well as power over the people that serve us when we are most in need, the medical community. The final insult, it will enrich the very people that do least service, the bureaucrats and lawyer.
I implore you once again. Contact your Congressmen, your life depends on it.