Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Boarders, No Country

Think of it this way. What good is being a member of a club if there is no members control over who can join. Being a "member" implies that certain benefits are bestowed and that there is exclusivity to the membership. The members decide who can enter the clubhouse. The same is true for being a citizen of a country. One has certain rights and privileges bestowed on one as a citizen of the country to which you pay taxes (member ship fee). And you get to decide who enters the country (the club house).

This goes back to the biological concept of territoriality. Animals mark their turf and defend it so as to claim their rights to the prey in that territory. A further extension of this is private ownership of property. What good is it to own a farm if anybody can come by and take its fruits and vegetables?

This concept of "exclusivity" or "private property" even extends to our personal lives. When people marry, the contract binding them together promises exclusivity of themselves to their mate; otherwise why bother getting married. Believe me the tax deductions are not a good reason for marriage.

We have a contract with our government (the club leaders) which states that they will protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Their job is to protect our rights to the resources in our territory. The government must allow only the entry of the citizens and people they have deemed fit to enter. If the government allows anyone to enter without proper vetting, it breaches its contract and citizenship becomes worthless. You should start asking yourself if it worth the dues you are paying to be in this club.

With an estimated 20 to 30 million illegal aliens in the United States, the government is clearly in breach of contract. The only question now is, what are we going to do about it?

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Discover the Truth about the Republican Party

Does the Republican Party really stand for Republican Principals? What are republican principals? Find out more:

Abortion and Denial

President Obama recently restated what we already knew; the two positions on abortion are irreconcilable. Taking his statement and the fact the he is a politician -- his stance that a women should be able to make up her own mind about whether or not to have an abortion -- seems perfectly logical. It also happens to be the most politically expedient position to take. I don’t suppose that President Obama has any guilt over the fact that over one million abortions will occur in the United States each year of his presidency. After all, he has two beautiful children and is leading a very comfortable life as President now.

People who are pro-choice refuse to acknowledge the fact that a fetus is a human life, because to acknowledge that fact leads inevitably to guilt. In our “anything goes” society, guilt is not something that is allowed. The whole argument about viability is just a smoke screen. The child in the womb is alive by any scientific measure. The fact that it may not survive outside the womb if delivered prematurely does not make it any less human at that point in time.

Of course, if you recognize a fetus as a human life, then society at large must take responsibility for the mistakes its children make, like having sex out of wedlock. Recognizing a fetus as a human being, brings up legal questions such as the importance of its life relative to its mother’s when a medical situation arises that forces a choice between saving the mother’s life or the child’s life. Yes, we save ourselves from answering a lot of tough questions by killing babies, don’t we?

Then there is the liberal segment of our society that wants sexual intercourse without consequence. For them abortion is another way to keep doing what they do with minimal inconvenience. To them I say, a child is not an inconvenience and people are not merely toys to satisfy your sexual desires.

The thinking that some people are not “fully human” or not quite human because of there color, race, creed, national origin, social status, size or age is the same kind of thinking that caused the extermination of millions of people during World War II. It is the same thinking that was used to justify slavery. It is also that same thinking that will cause people who believe themselves superior to you to take your life because you have become an inconvenience to them.

Every life has dignity, no matter how young or old the person. I believe we would be a much nobler and richer people if we respected that.

Joseph L. Conigliaro

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Do You Love The U.S.A?

Get to know it history, its people and the founding principals that have made it great. You will love it even more:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America Review
Conservative talk radio host, lawyer, and frequent National Review contributor Mark R. Levin comes out firing against the United States Supreme Court in Men in Black, accusing the institution of corrupting the ideals of America's founding fathers. The court, in Levin's estimation, pursues an ideology-based activist agenda that oversteps its authority within the government. Levin examines several decisions in the court's history to illustrate his point, beginning with the landmark Marbury v. Madison case, wherein the court granted itself the power to declare acts of the other branches of government unconstitutional. He devotes later chapters to other key cases culminating in modern issues such as same-sex marriage and the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. Like effective attorneys do, Levin packs in copious research material and delivers his points with tremendous vigor, excoriating the justices for instances where he feels strict constit utional constructivism gave way to biased interpretation. But Levin's definition of "activism" seems inconsistent. In the case of McCain-Feingold, the court declined to rule on a bill already passed by congress and signed by the president, but Levin, who thinks the bill violates the First Amendment, still accuses them of activism even when they were actually passive. To his talk-radio listeners, Levin's hard-charging style and dire warnings of the court's direction will strike a resonant tone of alarm, though the hyperbole may be a bit off-putting to the uninitiated. As an attack on the vagaries of decisions rendered by the Supreme Court and on some current justices, Men in Black scores points and will likely lead sympathetic juries to conviction. --John Moe --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Economist

The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores domestic and international issues, business, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts. Your paid subscription to The Economist also includes unlimited access to and our searchable archive.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Inflated Egos and Inflated Dollars

A presentation on "New Perspectives on the U.S. and Connecticut Economies" made by Don Klepper-Smith, Chief Economist & Director of Research at Data Core Partners LLC, on March 24, 2009, to the Rell administration in Connecticut projected an economic recovery as early as the second half of 2009.

Certainly this is good news. Credit should loosen up and many of us will keep our jobs who might otherwise lose them were it not for the economic stimulus. Perhaps there will be some more jobs created. But, the early recovery and the dissipation of the housing crisis and credit crunch come with a price. That price is hyperinflation. "At some point, inflation returns with a vengeance," the report states.

The trillions of dollars being pumped into the economy by the Federal Reserve and the projected spending by the Obama administration in Washington will cause a diminution of the dollar's purchasing power and effectively give a pay cut to all working and fixed income people.

The report also states the weakened dollar will make U.S. assets appear cheaper to foreigners, thereby giving greater control of U.S. assets to foreign interests. So hang on to your hat because we will be working for China soon.

The inflation raises the price of housing at the expense of people with money in the bank. When we get a raise that pushes us into the next tax bracket, it most likely will not offset the decrease in buying power caused by inflation. With a progressive tax system like ours, inflation is a way to raise our taxes without passing a law to do so . Inflation also allows debtors to pay off their debts with cheaper dollars, so the lenders get cheated in the process.

This is all very clever on the part of our leadership. Inflate the dollar by increasing the money supply, spend a lot of money on your constituents/special interests, sell the country to foreign interests, keep people borrowing money on their home's equity for a few more years, get re-elected in 4 years and then watch it all fall apart.

The Democrats were - and continue to be - a major contributor to our economic woes. Despite this fact, they were elected by a land slide. So far the Democrats have gotten away with their fiscal irresponsibility. This out of control spending is setting us up for an even bigger fall down the road. So folks, buy gold now because those green backs in your wallet will not be worth much soon.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Discover the truth about the Democratic Party.

Is the Democratic Party really democratic? Are we becoming the Empire of the United States? Get answers