People who are pro-choice refuse to acknowledge the fact that a fetus is a human life, because to acknowledge that fact leads inevitably to guilt. In our “anything goes” society, guilt is not something that is allowed. The whole argument about viability is just a smoke screen. The child in the womb is alive by any scientific measure. The fact that it may not survive outside the womb if delivered prematurely does not make it any less human at that point in time.
Of course, if you recognize a fetus as a human life, then society at large must take responsibility for the mistakes its children make, like having sex out of wedlock. Recognizing a fetus as a human being, brings up legal questions such as the importance of its life relative to its mother’s when a medical situation arises that forces a choice between saving the mother’s life or the child’s life. Yes, we save ourselves from answering a lot of tough questions by killing babies, don’t we?
Then there is the liberal segment of our society that wants sexual intercourse without consequence. For them abortion is another way to keep doing what they do with minimal inconvenience. To them I say, a child is not an inconvenience and people are not merely toys to satisfy your sexual desires.
The thinking that some people are not “fully human” or not quite human because of there color, race, creed, national origin, social status, size or age is the same kind of thinking that caused the extermination of millions of people during World War II. It is the same thinking that was used to justify slavery. It is also that same thinking that will cause people who believe themselves superior to you to take your life because you have become an inconvenience to them.
Every life has dignity, no matter how young or old the person. I believe we would be a much nobler and richer people if we respected that.
Joseph L. Conigliaro

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