The year 2012 has recently gained a lot of popularity in our culture. However, it isn't exactly considered a good thing. Several ancient civilizations have predicted that the world will end in December of 2012. A movie has even been made on this exact subject. It's almost scary to read about how many different civilizations have come up with this same date. The Mayans, the ancient Chinese, and even Nostradamus have predicted the end of the world in December of 2012. Of course, we should always be prepared for the worst, but how do we do that?
Recently, we've been having earthquakes that have created tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. Experts are saying that recent hurricanes are following a more powerful trend, and even volcanologists are saying that Yellowstone National Park could erupt in our lifetime. The Mayans have predicted that many different natural disasters will all occur at the same time on December 21st of 2012. What does this mean for us? It means possible worldwide devastation, that's what.
However, there is always a way to prepare ourselves. We can't predict most of these events for sure, and even if we could we wouldn't be able to stop mother nature. What we can do is prepare ourselves and our families with the information and supplies needed to survive these very possible and deadly events.
For instance, if a tsunami were to be headed for the Pacific coast of the United States, people should be informed to head inland or to high ground. Of course, there is more to it than just that, but that's the gist of it.
In the event of a catastrophic earthquake in Southern California, citizens would have to have days, if not weeks worth of food and water for themselves and their families. However, it's a fact that this type of preparation is rare among the American population. If anyone plans to survive disastrous events like this we should be preparing ourselves as best we can. Just imagine having earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, countless tornados, and volcanoes erupting all at the same time. Not a pretty site, and that's exactly what the Mayan's have predicted.
With December 2012 only three years away, we need to be considering the fact that these predictions might actually be true. If they are, then big deal, we can still say we were prepared for the worst. But if this date does bring an Apocalypse, then we will be prepared.
If you want to get this possible life-saving information for you in your family, visit the December 2012 Official Countdown website. We can never be to prepared when it comes to the lives of ourselves and our loved ones. The2012 Prophecy is not to be messed with when our lives could actually be in danger. |