Saturday, October 3, 2009

If All Men Are Created Equal Why Do I Pay More Taxes Than You?

The issue is clear. The Federal Government wants us to act in a certain way, for the public good, and in order to facilitate that they give us incentives and disincentives through the tax code. They say every American should own a piece of the rock, so you get a tax break if you buy a home. They say smoking is bad for you, so they tax cigarettes. They say we are all to fat, so now they want to tax soft drinks. I am wondering, what ever happened to individual responsibility. Are the insurance companies running the country or are we? Personally I am fed up with looking for every little tax break to save a few dollars. It seems, if the fed doesn't get my money the accountant does. Not to mention the piles of receipts I have to keep.

But, that's not the worst of it. The worst is that it is that it is terribly unfair. It is also not the federal governments preview to try to control what we do as individuals. They are interfering with our pursuit of happiness and redistributing income when they use the tax code to incentivize us to act in the manor of their choosing. Why, should people who rent homes subsidize people who own homes? Why should farmers get paid for not growing crops? Look I have nothing against farmers and home owners; I just don't think I should be subsidizing someone else's risk or investment. Capitalism is a wonderful thing if you let it work.

The Federal Government prints money, so regulating banks and monitoring anti trust activity is where they should limit its influence. The Federal Government should give us a flat tax so that all men are treated equally under the law. Otherwise, defend me from enemies foreign and domestic and stay out of my life and my pocket. I am very happy to do my own income redistribution without the help of the government.

Without an understanding of political, economic and social principles we are inadequate employers unable to discern the proper qualifications for leadership and doomed to lead the ship of state on a course to destruction. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day to learn more about your countries history and politics. is here to help you discover where we were and where we are going as a country and as a people.

1 comment:

  1. I have been saying exactly this for a while now and I am glad I am not alone. It just doesn't seem right for someone to get mile high in college debt not to mention the effort and dedication involved in getting a degree. Finding a job that requires the degree you earn and then the greedy government takes "their" equal but yet unequal as a nation tax percentage from your paycheck every week. Then you fill out end of year taxes for someone to tell you that you owe them money even though they have been getting your money every week. Why fill out taxes when they already know what you owe? They see everything, so why are we required to do taxes? We all pay enough for them to fill our paperwork and do their damn job. It's such a shame that all the BS that has happened in America and that "WE THE PEOPLE" have overcome have been set so far back because of the agenda being persued. It's not "In God We Trust" anymore it's "Almighty Dollar We Trust". I could go on and on. Control the people and rule the world. Freethinkers are seen as crazy so it will be frowned upon
