As American's living in the Twenty-first century, we are exposed to a never-ending bombardment of advertising. We see ads for a little of everything.
Back when I was a child, and there used to be a family television hour. That was when networks still understood that there was much to be gained from having what we now look back and nostalgically wish for, a time when there was a defined set of values. The good guys wore white hats, bad guys wore black hats, and the good guy would save the day, get the girl and live happily ever after.
The worst commercial we had to worry about was the one for Ban Roll-on Deodorant, or Timex watches. Nowadays, not only do we have to look out for ads for beer and wine, but also articles of feminine hygiene; not only programs where there are no defined characters who are good and bad, but programs where the bad guy is good, good guys are despised and religion is the last refuge of scoundrels and fools.
Remember back in the eighties and early nineties when we were told to watch out for the New Age Movement, and how it was going to take over everything. Well, turns out that the New Age wasn't new, they didn't take over and the things we have to worry about are the same ones that have been plaguing the Church since the time of Paul. Well, actually since the time of Moses. (Exodus 32: 1-6)
God had just brought the Children of Israel from out of the land of Egypt, passed them through the waters of the Red Sea, fed them and gave them peace. Yet, because they hadn't seen God's Man for a period of time, they were distracted and turned from the way that they knew was right, the way they had been brought up in, the faith passed down to them from their parents and their parents parents.
And just like the Children of Israel, we today have a generation, which has been drawn far a field from the faith delivered "Once for all unto the Saints". And like them they have been drawn away from the truth to idols.
Idols are not necessarily objects or even thought of as "idols" by their worshippers. The idols of today are many and often have no quote unquote "religious aspect". In fact, many of the biggest idol worshippers today claim that they are not "Believers" in anything. They have no set of beliefs, no creed, no statement of faith and do not meet in a building. They are all around us, we see them day-by-day.
They are the friends of our children, our co-workers and our relatives. They are the people who live in our homes and sometimes the people who come to our churches. They are all around us, every day of our lives. And like Moses, it is our task to intercede for them to God, to snatch them from the jaws of the enemy.
This is what our passage today speaks of. Paul is here speaking to the Church in general and Timothy, his son in the faith specifically. Because of this, take these words as if God was speaking directly to you with them.
Preach the word! Because the time is now! Even as we here sit, the Episcopal Church is about to split over an issue that should have no basis for discussion. Even though it is occurring in the American version of the Anglican Church, the affects of the decision that will be reached will have an affect upon wider Anglican body and expand to reach across the world, and spread to the Church at large.
The basis of this is that they themselves do not endure sound doctrine, they do not accept the unerring word of God as practical for today's world. Why? Paul tells us. "...according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables."
It is not because of a desire for truth that they search for meaning, but to give justification for their desires. And because we have lost the ability to articulate our faith, and give an apology or defense of what we believe and why, we lose ground to those who have answers to questions that others have with a certainty we fail to have. The word for learning to defend the faith is Apologetics. We have friends who are being lead down a slippery slope because we don't have the ability to do what Paul asks. "Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching."
In other words, be able to tell people in and outside of church what you believe and why; correct a brother or sister who is wandering from the historic truths of the Christian Faith; encourage the brother or sister who is enduring the slings and arrows of the enemy; to have patience with those who struggle with issues of faith, and be able to teach others.
We forget that there are those who in times past to the present day who have given their lives to preserve the Apostles Doctrine. From Peter, to Paul to Anselm to Wickliffe, Hus, and Tyndale, there have been people who were willing to die rather than allow the gospel to be undefended. In the Book of Hebrews, the writer takes us through the faith hall of fame to show us what the Heroes of the Faith would endure for the truth. (Heb 11: 33-40)
All though history there have been those who have been willing to die rather than compromise the truth. From Peter and Paul, to Stephen and Silas, Anselm, Wickliffe, Hus and Tyndale, the Church has not lacked examples of those who would endure all to deliver pure doctrine.
It is as the Catholic writer, G.K. Chesterton said: "When we cease to worship God, we don't worship nothing, we worship anything."
We must give greater emphasis on being able to show others that our faith is based upon historical truths that have been documented even by the enemies of the Gospel.
We must be able to articulate the claims of our faith, to "Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you there would be mockers in the last days who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and forever. Amen.
Rev. Adrian Powell is an ordained minister in the Church of God (Anderson, IN). He is an experienced church planter, pastor, speaker and seminar resource, having served and ministered in churches in the Midwest, Eastern and Southern United States. A strong expositional speaker, Adrian is called to bring the Church the "Whole Counsel of God" in the areas of Evangelism, Apologetics, Grace, Christ and Culture, Unity, Reality and Racial Reconciliation and submission to the truth of Scripture. "The Church needs to remain true to the saying, 'Reformed and Always Reforming'". A popular preacher of the Gospel, he has also had articles published in the Columbus Dispatch, Urban Trendsetters and national magazines such as Vital Christianity and Purpose Magazine. A bi-vocational minister, he has over 15 years experience in the Financial Services industry. He is a member of the Society of Financial Services Professionals, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, has received his Fraternal Insurance Counsellor designation from the National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counsellors and is currently seeking the Charter Life Underwriter (CLU) from the American College. He is also available to speak in chuches on Biblical Economics, Stewardship and Finances, The Truth About Tithing and Real Prosperity. For questions about speaking schedules and availability, contact him at His website for Biblical Finances is Article Source: | ![]() |
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