I had some time to reflect on the realization of what is in the heart of my son, who is currently a Sergeant stationed with the 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley Kansas. He and his fellow soldiers have all volunteered to stand up for our country. Listening to these young men talk about their purpose in the military makes me reflect on the days when I knew two of these fine young men when life was less complicated for them as boys.
They have convinced me that what is in their day to day thoughts is the security of their loved ones at home. The "Mission" is to keep their parents, children and friends free from the grip of an enemy that has no regard for the western life style and personal freedom as we know it.
In recent news we have heard the degradation of those that have chosen to serve this country yet speak of their rights. I raised my son to know that talk is cheap, but that is all I saw come from their mouth was a bunch of hot air as they profess to be working for the greater good, quick to point out what others should be doing while they are not willing to walk the same walk they have imposed on others. They deliver their message to others is about the sins of a capitalistic society but fail to accept they should give up everything gained in their own lives for their beliefs. As I listen to these soldiers talk, they clearly know what their ultimate sacrifice could be. Unlike their critics, these fine young men are willing to give up everything for what they believe in.
The Fox News story that ran Saturday October 10th, described how the terrorist movement was brazen and brutal. This is something that those of us that remember 9-11 do not need to be reminded of. We are not exempt from terrorism on our shores.
To apologize for the strength in our military is wrong on so many levels, but to follow it up by not supporting the commanders in the field borders on a dereliction of Duty.
The people in the field are tasked with achieving a victory in a military action. Who better to listen to when they come to the American People telling us what they need to achieve their victory. Knowing what's at stake, why in the world would we not support them? I am amazed that this is being debated by members of our own government. Where is their allegiance? I have to ask.
The enemies we face today have become emboldened by our nation's leaders putting its tail between its legs and hunching the back as we have lowered our ears in submission to the demons of the world. It is naive to believe that there is no such thing. If they didn't exist why would Iran have the need to "hide" their criminal aspirations as they hide their efforts to build nuclear weapons?
This issue does hold a personal interest for me as my oldest son and his fellow soldiers hold this selfless conviction that if we do not stop them in their streets not our own. It is inevitable that we will once again face them on our shores. Plots are continuously being uncovered here in America as evidenced by the recent arrests.
As a family man, surely he must know he and his family would be high a profile target. Why on earth would he create the appearance that our government position would degrade the level of protection we have enjoyed over the last 200 years and more specifically since 9-11, 2001?
As a fellow American, I have to ask why we would do anything that would sacrifice the safety and effectiveness of our military. I stand in wonder why the debate would even enter the conversations about our efforts in Afghanistan, Yemen or anywhere for that matter. If the discussion were limited to the need of the military I can see that, but we know that Politics has entered and dominates that discussion.
Meanwhile, my son and his fellow soldiers stand at the ready with their deployment scheduled for September of this year. This would be his second tour and as a parent I am very concerned about his safety. But I cannot discount the pride I have in my son and those fine young men that have said to the world they are willing to put their beliefs to action by protecting all us, including those that like to spout all that hot air about what's wrong with this country.
I am a very proud American, proud of our history and equally proud of our future. The soldiers I have come to know in the nearly 10 year career of my son, shows me that this country, given the resources can defeat any enemy on this planet. When will this country learn, politics and war do not mix, let our military do its job. Our government owes it to all of us to give the proper support that will give our sons and daughters the greatest chance to return home safely.
JWMoore Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JW_Moore | ![]() |
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