Global warming has been seen more and more as a made up scam to promote climate change. Because of freezing temperatures and widespread cold winters global warming has been referred to as climate change more often. Whatever you want to call it, one of the main reasons for all the controversy is the inaccuracies of the IPCC. The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change has published as scientific fact many questionable reports.
The problem is that the reports have contained false or incomplete data to sway those in powerful authoritative positions. And the false reports have been becoming a regularity, which is troubling. Consider this. The IPCC published the now infamous "Hockey Stick Graph" showing earth to be warming at an accelerated rate which was later shown to be inaccurate. Also, in January 2001 the IPCC released a report in Shanghai, China saying that the upper range temperature rise would be almost 11 degrees during the next 100 years.
Robert Watson, who was Chairman of the IPCC and a former Clinton science advisor, warned governments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in light of the report. In1992 Watson predicted there would be a hole in the ozone layer, caused partially by man, so he is trying to protect the environment. The huge problem with the 11 degree temperature increase prediction is that the computer model used for the report was a seriously flawed one. The scientist had some 245 models but instead of averaging the best ones they chose ONLY ONE.
Why Did They Only Chose One Computer Model?
The reason they only chose one model is because it was the one that showed the highest temperature reading therefore misleading others to believe in global warming. This model was so absurd that it was critically nicknamed the "Toy Model". And get this - it was called the toy model by many in the scientific community. Why? Because even some of them knew it was a joke to use this one model that distorted reality.
To add insult to injury, the "Toy Model" did not use three of the main components of what determines the earth's surface temperature.
- Ocean Currents
- Thunderstorms
- Mountains
The IPCC has recently published more reports with more inaccuracies. A Himalayan Mountain report was released by the IPCC that showed a higher temperature reading than what was true. Where do the inaccuracies end? Some corrections to the data have been made after the fact. Wouldn't it be nice to have them be put out right in the first place? Global warming and climate change are cyclical just like global cooling and global freezing - so just let the facts rest by themselves.
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