Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Party of Know - A New Republican Mantra For 2010

The GOP has taken on the persona of being the party of no. The majority party, currently the Democratic Party, sets the agenda, chooses committee leaders and controls the schedule. Consequently, the party out of power is subjugated to primarily obstructing bills with which they disagree. Conservative candidates should retake the GOP and become the party of "know." Know what works and know why it works. Know what fails and understand why it fails. Then apply that knowledge reasonably and respectfully.

Abraham Lincoln, our first Republican president, provided the impetus to push the agenda of "know" when he posed the following questions: "What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?" The message of conservatism is to maximize personal responsibility and limit the role of government. Conservative Americans already have a political party; it simply needs direction and definition. Many of these concepts are described and explained in my book "7 Life Lessons You Should Know." Government programs should exist to catch you when you fall and praise when you win, not the other way around.

The U.S. economy does not need to be reinvented. It needs to be represented by new members of Congress who know how to enthusiastically reintroduce the concepts that raised this nation from an indentured servant status to a world superpower in just over one century. After the American Revolution, our form of government was called a great experiment by the rest of the world. Self-governance is no longer an experiment; it is now a conclusion, having been independently reproduced again and again. Americans are rejecting the hope of crisis management. We are eager for a renewal of freedom, prosperity and opportunity.

America deserves to be represented by knowledgeable business leaders, warriors, accountants and proven problem-solvers. These people must be judged on their ideas. Are they solution-based or power-based? We need solutions, not more problem-containment.

Not long ago the Republican Party was in the position of having control of Congress and the White House. They had a chance to improve health care and strengthen our economy and they blew it, spending their political capital expanding government services in an attempt to bribe future voters. Know that the wasted effort did not work then and it will not work now. Earn the respect and confidence of the American people and we will give you our votes. You will not have to bribe or beg for support.

Define the issue and solve the problem and watch as the professional politicians in both parties scramble to get out of the way. Know that they will be scrambling because the truth of their mishandling of government responsibilities will have been revealed.

Know that the dilemma is to draw a line below which no American will have to live and above which any citizen may compete and prosper. When that line is too low, the poorest among us suffer. If it is positioned too high it will discourage vigorous effort from too many.

I believe in our system of government. Unfortunately many of us have forgotten that the American voters are a vital part of that system. We are in essence the control panel and without direction, any system will eventually spin out of control. Our representative republic is the epitome of the acronym GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Take out the garbage and embrace the party of know.

Todd Lester's career has spanned across many years and numerous industries. He has been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and licensed to sell investments and insurance, worked as a retail manager, turned wrenches as an automotive mechanic, served cubicle time as an office manager and even owned his own business for many years restoring car interiors. And that is just since graduating college with a Finance degree. During much of this time, he was also a citizen soldier, serving twenty one years in the Army National Guards of both Louisiana and Texas as an Army bandsman. He has even performed as a clown with the Shrine Circus.

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