They told us it was coming and here it is. The bill puts the IRS in charge of your life. Putting it in a position to penalize you up to $2,000 for not having health insurance or not having insurance to its liking. Government will soon control the banking industry, the health industry and the auto industry. As the people of America continue to loose there freedom so will the world. The elite will place more and more controls on us, manipulating our lives and depressing opportunity. Speaker Pelosi promises a torrent of legislation, which will move the country to have government controlled health care. And as the socialists make you more dependent on them, your autonomy will diminishes.
The only path to improving your situation will be through the socialist network. And so America this is your last chance. If this bill is not stopped decisively tomorrow, there will be many dark days ahead. The change will not appear to be rapid, but 10 years is a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Is socialism or communism really the gift you want to leave your children? I will cry tomorrow should this bill pass, because its passage signals the beginning of the end for a great country. A country that was given the greatest of gifts by it's founders, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. These documents no longer mean anything now, because our legislature of elitists no longer honors them or the people of America.
Perhaps we deserve what we may get? This would be punishment we would be imposing on our selves, because so many of us are so self indulgent that we think only about our own welfare rather than what is better for all of us. Or perhaps we are so jaded that we can no longer discern the truth. The lies that the democrats tell may be what they believe to be the truth, but history tells us otherwise. We must stay grounded it the truths our founding fathers understood and passed down to us.
So America, continue to make your voices heard. Continue to fight for your freedom. Make those calls to your congressmen. March in protest. Tell them your independence is more important than their power. Tell them to start over and give us a free market solution to our health care problem. Tell them to correct the injustices in our legal system, with just laws the treat both parties in a dispute fairly, not punish the defendant doctor all the time. America deserve better then the abomination of law we have and what this bill may give us tomorrow.