Monday, March 22, 2010

Congratulation America, You Have Now Been Changed

Last night the House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the health care bill. With the passing of this bill the fundamental right of Americans to make decisions about their own health has been removed. America has traded it freedom for what has been sold to us as health care for all (security). Now the words of Thomas Jefferson, "The man that would choose security over freedom deserves neither" will ring in our ears for a while and then will fade away over time as new generations are taught the lie that Nancy Pelosi spouted as she gave her final speech before the bill passed last night. "Americans have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and Americans will be able to pursue their happiness with the passage of this bill.", but the bill only destroys life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This bill destroys life by opening the door to federal funded abortion and opens the door to euthanasia. Senator Bart Stupak played the part of Judas last night as he betrayed his pro-life constituency for some sleazy back room deal. The bill puts a massive federal bureaucracy in Washington which will have the power over life and death. And the IRS has now become the health care enforcer.

Taxes will rise like never before as the bureaucrats suck away funds for there own well being as the bureaucracy sprawls. The Great Depression will seem like a walk in the park compared to the pain to come, as our debt mounts and the counties inability to sustain itself diminishes. You voted for the left and now you got it. The crucification of America is nearing its completion.

So congratulation America you are no longer the land of freedom. You are now run by the socialists elite who promise you everything, but can give you nothing. That's your change.

Joseph Conigliaro